Avoiding the Most Dangerous Roads in Florida

Doral Uninsured Motorist Accident Lawyer


There is an alarming number of uninsured motorists on the road. Being in an accident with an uninsured driver shouldn’t discourage you, as you still have uninsured motorist coverage that can cover your damages.

Doral uninsured motorist accident lawyers can help you out by representing your case and helping you get maximum compensation. A lawyer can file uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage claims to help you receive financial assistance. They can also help you pursue other legal routes that fit your case.

Uninsured Motorist Coverage

Most states require you to have this insurance coverage. The coverage can cover your medical expenses, car repairs, and any other damages to the extent of your policy. It limits the damages you can claim per wreck, so you might need to top the rest of the bills up yourself. 

Doral uninsured motorcycle accident lawyers are a good investment on your part, giving you a fighting chance after an accident. They can help you file the claims with your insurance company, which allows you to receive compensation for your injuries. They can stay on your case to ensure your insurance company doesn’t act in bad faith and delay or deny your claims.

Uninsured Motorist Coverage and Hit and Runs

In most cases, uninsured motorist coverage provides settlements in a hit and run. However, there might be some policies that are an exception. Other states may also limit the coverage you get in a hit and run accident if the driver is not identified.

Underinsured Motorist Coverage

Underinsured motorist coverage (UIM) is a policy that protects you in case of an accident with a driver who doesn’t have enough insurance. If your damages exceed the other driver’s coverage, it can also come into play.

Stacking UIM Coverage

Also known as an “add-on” or “excess” liability policy, stacking underinsured motorist coverage. This coverage comes into play when you exhaust all other forms of liability insurance entirely but still have unpaid costs.

Stacking UIM coverage combines your policy and the underinsured at-fault driver and gives you the total as claimable benefits. You can ask your Doral uninsured motorist accident lawyers how the coverage works and if you are eligible for the compensation.

Non-Stacking UIM Coverage

This coverage follows the traditional coverage model. It reduces the amount of your coverage by the amount available from the responsible driver. The coverage is affected by how much coverage the other driver has.

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Policy

Because Florida is a no-fault state, you have to take out a PIP policy covering your damages. There is no need to prove the driver’s negligence with this policy, and you don’t have to deal with another party’s liability insurance provider after an accident.

PIP enables you to file for benefits under your policy, paying your lost wages, medical expenses, property damage, and other damages. What if your damages exceed your PIP benefits? In this case, you can file a third-party claim against the responsible driver. 

You can also use your UM or UIM coverage to pay your costs if the other party doesn’t have insurance or their insurance isn’t enough.

What If You don’t Have UM/ UIM Coverage?

Although most states require this kind of coverage, not all motorists have it at the time of the accident. If this is your case, you should not panic. Reach out to Doral uninsured motorist accident lawyers to learn more about your options and how you can pay for your damages.

Some of the options your lawyer can give you include:

  • Identifying and filing claims against another involved party with liability insurance coverage. This could be another driver involved in the accident, their employer, or the vehicle manufacturer.
  • Using Medical Payments self-insurance coverage
  • Using the excess “umbrella” coverage or any other applicable liability policies.
  • Filing a personal injury lawsuit against the responsible driver.

Why Having a Lawyer is Important

All the above policies and the insurance companies issuing the policies have a lot of legal knowledge. It is hard for someone without experience dealing with insurance policies and settlements to find the best way to move forward.

That is why contacting Doral uninsured motorist accident lawyers is important. They have experience dealing with such cases and know how to move through the system. They can help you find the best way to contact your insurance company and ensure you get adequate compensation. They protect your rights and ensure you get justice for your injuries.

Lawyers can also help you file all relevant claims and lawsuits against the responsible parties, leaving no stones unturned. 

You are your lawyer’s priority, and they will not rest until you are satisfied. Some of the other ways your lawyer can help include:

  • Gathering evidence against the responsible party
  • Finding you the best medical treatment
  • Interviewing witnesses
  • Assessing and recording your damages
  • Negotiating with the insurance company

Contact Our Uninsured Motorist Accident Lawyers

The lawyers at the Dolman Law Group are waiting for your call. Our lawyers give the best service possible, ensuring your case gets the attention it deserves. We have years of experience dealing with such cases and can use our passion to get you justice. Call us today to start working with our Doral uninsured motorist lawyers.

Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA
8400 NW 36th St Suite 450
Doral, FL 33166
(305) 930-7688


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