For decades, firefighters, including military and civilian units, used Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) to suppress fires. AFFF was also used in fires and training exercises across multiple organizations.
Unfortunately, many of the chemicals found in AFFF can build up in the body over time, negatively impacting overall human health.
If you were exposed to these toxic firefighting foam chemicals, you have a substantially increased risk of developing several serious, life-threatening illnesses, including cancer.

If you have already been diagnosed with cancer or another illness after exposure to the toxic chemicals in firefighting foam, you could file an AFFF lawsuit against negligent manufacturers such as Tyco, 3M, Dupont, and others. Our team can help.
The Mass Tort Lawyers at Dolman Law Group Have the Resources to Handle Your AFFF Lawsuit
At Dolman Law Group, we want to help Americans who have faced severe illness due to AFFF foam exposure receive the compensation they deserve.
Potential firefighting foam exposure victims include airport and military firefighters, local first responders, and those living near areas where AFFF foam was used. Our firefighting foam lawyers proudly serve as legal team members on over 60 AFFF lawsuits.
If you were exposed to firefighting foam and you are facing a cancer diagnosis related to AFFF exposure, contact the experienced firefighting foam lawsuit attorneys at Dolman Law Group today to learn more about your legal rights.
Our AFFF Cancer Attorneys Can Help You Successfully File an AFFF Lawsuit
Many victims find that working with an attorney can substantially increase their compensation for their injuries and suffering.
An attorney can build a solid lawsuit, gather the information you need to prove your claim, and aggressively pursue the monetary compensation you deserve for your physical and emotional suffering related to your diagnosis.
Video Transcript: Firefighting Foam Lawsuits: Everything You Need to Know About AFFF
Matt Dolman:
In this video, I’m going to discuss the AFFF firefighting foam lawsuit. This is an MDL, a multi-district litigation lawsuit, that… and what MDL, by the way, means is that all the lawsuits in the country are being filed in one federal court, and that’s in South Carolina. Stan, what is going on? Explain what does AFFF stand for, first off?
Stan Gipe:
AFFF stands for Aqueous Film Forming Foam. Okay. And it’s really a firefighting chemical foam that’s really effective. Okay. It’s used to fight fires, used to fight fires at a lot of airports and it’s got some really good properties to it that made it super effective, which is why it had such widespread use. One of the things that we found out though is that over time, some of the chemicals that make this Aqueous Film Forming Foam so effective are also extremely harmful to people and almost impossible to get rid of and clean up, and have now gained the term, the sort of nomenclature known as “forever chemicals.” So, Matt, tell us a little bit, what’s a forever chemical? What’s that mean?
Matt Dolman:
Yeah. PFAS and PFOS, those are known as forever chemicals, and what that means is, for lack of a better way of saying this, it’s almost impossible for them to break down their components. So they last for a long period of time. They have such an insidious effect. And what we’re seeing is that it just doesn’t just affect the individuals who are using the foam. It gets into the aquifer, which is the water source. So it’s affecting individuals who not only lived at these military base because, again, the AFFF firefighting foam, that’s used to treat or to contain liquid flammable fires. You’re generally seeing those at airports or at military bases. These are not traditionally used by commercial and private firefighters.
So, the issue that we’re seeing is these chemicals do not break down. They’re incredibly destructive organic chemicals that last for 20, 30, 40 years. And once they get into the aquifer, they’re affecting not only individuals at the base, but in all the ancillary regions around that area. So all the surrounding adjacent properties, it gets into the community, so individuals who reside near that military base. These are used all over the country at number of different military bases. And the AFFF is used commonly by firefighters to practice on drills regularly. So they’re routinely exposed and it gets into the water source, into the groundwater, and it just has such insidious effects over time.
A number of different cancers are related to AFFF, and these lawsuits are being filed. They’re not a significant amount of it. This is not like a commercial product that’s being sold over the counter like Zantac. So if you’re used to mass tort litigation, you’re watching these commercials on TV, you’re probably not going to see any AFFF firefighting foam lawsuit commercials. There’s just not a whole lot of them, but to those individuals, those veterans, they’re family members and private contractors that have suffered, and the individuals living in adjacent properties, the disease are just that they’re awful. Stan, what are we seeing?
Stan Gipe:
Well, we see the number of different diseases and issues that are affecting the firefighters. But I think the one thing that’s important that you mentioned is these chemicals being forever chemicals, you can’t get rid of them. You can move them around. You can dig them up, you can push them, but you can’t get rid of them. And that’s where you have the problem is that it’s like asbestos, kind of, is that even when you get it, you may know it’s there, you may identify it. Getting rid of it’s a problem. It’s a hazard to clean up. We can find a number of different cancers and other exposure ailments happen even in the cleanup process, aside from the people who were exposed to it. You’ll see municipalities, airports, huge different industries have these big claims for cleanup of these chemicals because the task can take tens, if not hundreds of millions of dollars, to get them out of the ground. And they’re spending the money to do this because they now know these chemicals are so dangerous, have such potential to cause harm, and when they do cause harm, it’s significant.
Matt Dolman:
We’re seeing two types of AFFF, or for lack of a better way of saying this, the PFOS and PFAS cases being filed. We’re seeing them on behalf of municipalities against these manufacturers. So City A, you can just insert name of city, is filing it based on destruction of their water source that they’ve gone into their water aquifer, or private citizens, individuals or veterans, family members, private contractors, or individuals that live in those areas who were affected. We’re handling on behalf of individuals, so these are claims we’re handling. This is a multi-district litigation, meaning that all the lawsuits in the country are being filed in one court and that’s in South Carolina.
These cases are coming up quickly for what are known as bellwether trials, and a bellwether trial is where the plaintiff and defense bar have come to an agreement that they’re going to try a certain amount of cases, usually between eight and 12 cases, based on specific parameters. They’ll agree to the issues that they want to see… that’s why they call bellwether, what the jury’s going to do with these certain fact patterns. And if it goes plaintiff or if it goes defense, that will sway how these cases are going to be negotiated going forward. Or if there’s a mid-range, it kind of gives us an idea of what these cases are worth.
We’re approaching that area now and what we’re going through at this very moment is the Daubert hearings. Those are scientific hearings where we’re relating specific diseases to the incident that took place, which in the incident is the use of the AFFF firefighting foam, being able to prove that you were either at the military base or living nearby, and then being able to show that cancer, that disease, that neurological impediment is now related to that the use of AFFF firefighting foam. So certain diseases may pass muster, some there might not be enough scientific evidence based on a peer reviewed medical literature. And that’s where we’re at right now with the AFFF lawsuit. Any other issues you’re seeing, Stan?
Stan Gipe:
No, I think you pretty much hit on most of it. Like we say, the AFFF is more of a condensed group of people because they’re not as widely exposed as some of the Campo LeJeune and other mass torts we’re working on. But the injuries can be significant and the harm that’s caused to people from these chemicals can be extremely significant.
Matt Dolman:
You might be on our website right now or you could be seeing this video on YouTube. If you have any questions and for a free consultation or free case review, you can reach us right away to discuss a firefighting foam lawsuit. Stan, what’s the number they can reach us at?
Stan Gipe:
The number they can reach us at is 1-855-332-7274, and anyone who answers the phone there can help you with your class action lawsuit for firefighting foam. You go your AFFF lawsuit, firefighting foam lawsuit, whatever you want to call it, just let them know what you’re calling it about and we’ll take care of it.
Matt Dolman:
Yep. We have a very robust website that has a lot of information about AFFF. It’s, D, like in David, O-L-M-A-N-L-A-W .com. I really appreciate your time. And again, if you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to either Stan or myself. Thank you.
First, the Basics. What Is Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF)?
As the Environmental Research Institute of the States (ERIS) explained, AFFF firefighting foam rose to popularity in the 1960s, with the U.S. Navy requiring all its vessels to carry the product. AFFF is useful in fighting fires not effectively extinguished with water alone. The product helps form a protective blanket that smothers a fire when water alone cannot put it out.
Class B AFFF, commonly used for firefighting, contains perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl chemical substances, or PFAS. These chemicals contaminate groundwater and, ultimately, the drinking water used by people living and working in the area where AFFF contamination occurs. Despite the known cancer risks, these chemicals still appear in some firefighting products used today.
When developed, Aqueous Film Forming Foam helped suppress fires faster than other available methods. Many installations still use it for that purpose. For example, the Department of Defense utilizes firefighting foam because the proximity of people, fuel, and munitions can be especially dangerous on ships and aircraft.
AFFF firefighting foam works quickly by spreading out over the surface of the fuel, depriving the fire of oxygen, and quickly extinguishing even large fires.
The foam also prevents the hot fuel from reigniting. So far, only AFFF that contains fluorine chemicals called per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, can put out dangerous fuel fires fast and keep them out.
PFAS in AFFF Makes the Foam Toxic
Unfortunately, the attributes that make PFAS desirable in small spaces or dangerous circumstances also make them incredibly dangerous for humans. These fire suppression chemicals heighten the risk of cancer in people who face exposure to them, especially people who face considerable exposure over a long time.
Which Illnesses Have Been Linked to AFFF?
Two PFAS chemicals or compounds are found in firefighting foam: perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS). PFAS compounds are “forever chemicals” because they slowly break down in the environment and the human body over time. When an individual is exposed to PFAS compounds over an extended period, the chemicals accumulate in the body.
PFAS contamination is so common throughout the U.S., thanks to AFFF and other common products, including non-stick cookware and stain-resistant carpeting, that most people contain the substance in their blood.
Long-term exposure to PFAS has been associated with many illnesses, including:
Kidney Cancer: Kidney cancer starts in the organs tasked with ridding the body of toxins by cleaning the blood. People with considerable contact with AFFF have more PFAS in their systems, which means more pollutants for the kidneys to handle. These toxins can interfere with typical cell growth in the kidneys, causing cancer cells to develop.
Testicular Cancer: In men, the testes are responsible for creating sperm. Testicular cancer is considered a rarer cancer that is more likely to impact men under 45. It is also more common in male firefighters, which supports the claim that exposure to AFFF entails the absorption of carcinogens.
Bladder Cancer: This cancer usually develops in the bladder’s lining. It is often treatable but prone to recurrence. The bladder is responsible for holding urine before it leaves the body, so any lingering PFAS may be taking advantage of that contact to damage the DNA of healthy cells.
Prostate Cancer: In many cases, prostate cancer is treatable because it has clear warning signs and tends to multiply slowly. Men with this kind of cancer develop the growth of damaged cells in their prostate gland. Individuals who use AFFF at their job may be absorbing enough PFAS to spur unregulated cell growth that becomes prostate cancer.
Breast Cancer: Breast cancer originates in the breast tissue and commonly presents as a hardened lump. Men or women can develop breast cancer. Breast cancer can be triggered by increased levels of certain hormones, and PFAS are considered endocrine-disrupting chemicals, creating a possible causal link between the two.
Leukemia and Lymphoma: Leukemia is a cancer that begins in the bone marrow. From there, the abnormal cells can circulate through the body and start new growths.
Like leukemia, lymphoma starts with mutated white blood cells growing out of control, but they are located in the lymph nodes or spleen. PFAS stay in the body for decades after they are ingested, inhaled, or absorbed, where they can enter the bloodstream and harm other cells.
Rectal cancer: This occurs in the portion of the digestive tract just above the anus. An early warning sign of rectal cancer is polyps, abnormal growths that can indicate cells are multiplying too quickly. The silver lining is that rectal cancer usually grows slowly and may be found during a routine colonoscopy. The evidence connecting AFFF exposure and rectal cancer includes the fact that firefighters are more prone to developing this specific type of cancer.
Fertility issues: Unfortunately, it appears that the hazardous chemicals in AFFF can not only interfere with a woman’s ability to become pregnant, but they may also increase the chances of miscarriage and stillbirth. This is likely due to PFAS’s impact on hormones, which have considerable control over the reproductive system.
Ulcerative colitis: UC is an autoimmune disease, meaning the body views itself as a threat and tries to harm healthy cells. For people with UC, that manifests as issues with their colon and rectum. They may develop internal sores and experience ongoing inflammation. Significant exposure to PFAS through AFFF may leave individuals vulnerable to UC as the chemicals can compromise their digestive tract.
Thyroid cancer: This occurs when mutated cells begin growing uncontrollably in the thyroid gland. The thyroid is responsible for creating certain hormones, which tell the body when to start certain processes. The thyroid may be a target for the harmful effects of PFAS because that class of chemicals tends to obstruct the functions of the endocrine system.
Colorectal cancer: As the name would suggest, colorectal cancer originates in the colon and the rectum. Along with the anus, these parts of the large intestine work together to compact and dispose of waste products. Colorectal cancer is becoming more common, even in younger populations. PFAS appear to considerably impact the digestive system as carcinogens, likely because they spend so much time there as the body tries to break them down.
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) notes that those exposed to AFFF can also suffer from illnesses such as asthma, fertility issues, high blood pressure, fetal and child development changes, and an increased risk of thyroid disease. Compensation is only available for these additional issues if the sufferer has also been diagnosed with one of the cancers on this list.
Many people who are suffering from these serious conditions after AFFF exposure have initiated legal action to recover their losses. If you have questions about your legal rights, contact a dedicated AFFF lawsuit lawyer today.
The Firefighting Foam Multidistrict Litigation (MDL) is Created
With so many AFFF lawsuits pending in federal court, each AFFF lawsuit has been consolidated into one multidistrict litigation (MDL). Judge Richard M. Gergel in the United States Federal Court for the District of South Carolina presides as the MDL’s judge.
The purpose of an MDL is to consolidate all federal AFFF lawsuits that may have been filed in different circuits throughout the U.S. and bring them in front of one Judge to make discovery and pre-trial proceedings more efficient.
While some may refer to the proceedings as an AFFF class action lawsuit, they are an MDL. All claimants allege the same or similar injury in a class action lawsuit.
The various AFFF firefighting foam lawsuits involve a wide array of different cancers and medical issues arising from AFFF exposure. We are closely following this MDL as it progresses and will continue to share updates as they happen.
Bookmark this page and return often to learn the latest information and technical details about the pending firefighting foam AFFF lawsuit.
AFFF Lawsuit Updates – February 2025
Groundbreaking research has highlighted a potential connection between PFAS chemicals and neurological and behavioral health issues. This discovery could play a key role in the ongoing AFFF litigation, where plaintiffs’ attorneys aim to establish the dangerous effects of PFAS on firefighters’ well-being.
In Arizona, one firefighter has filed a lawsuit citing repeated bouts of testicular cancer, which he believes stem from years of AFFF exposure beginning in 2002. Similarly, a retired firefighter from New York alleges that prolonged AFFF use during his 30-plus years with the Yonkers Fire Department caused his thyroid disease. In both cases, the men’s spouses have joined the lawsuits, seeking compensation for the strain on their relationships and the impact on their overall quality of life.
Decades of alleged misconduct by DuPont and 3M suggest a strong likelihood that juries may impose punitive damages on these companies to hold them accountable for prioritizing profits over public safety.
Historical evidence highlights troubling actions by these corporations. In the 1960s, DuPont reportedly recognized the dangers of AFFF, advising its workers to exercise extreme caution when handling these substances. By the 1970s, studies had identified contaminated fish in areas surrounding 3M chemical plants. During the 1980s, DuPont removed all female employees from its PFAS production facility after several workers gave birth to children with severe deformities.
Despite mounting evidence of the health and environmental risks associated with these chemicals, both companies continued producing AFFF, contributing to harm over a span of more than 60 years. The potential for significant punitive damage awards should incentivize these corporations to seek pretrial settlements. At the same time, additional firefighter claims are being added to the MDL every month.
If you’ve been exposed to AFFF firefighting foam and diagnosed with a serious medical condition, contact the Dolman Law Group mass tort team today to explore your options.
The first bellwether trial is set for next October, but before trial preparations get into full swing, the court will focus on whether the plaintiffs’ experts will be allowed to testify about the scientific connection between AFFF exposure and cancer. Since settlement is still a possibility anytime before a verdict is rendered, the question is whether the defendants will try to settle these cases before the court rules on the expert testimony or after.
Defendants may pay less if they settle while more issues are pending, but if they wait until after the court rules on the experts’ involvement, there may be fewer cases to resolve. Because the main defendant in this litigation, 3M, has taken an unyielding position, our team at Dolman Law Group is not optimistic that a global settlement will happen before the expert ruling.
Twenty-eight hundred cases were dismissed from the MDL in October. We assume these claims were municipality water contamination lawsuits that were settled last year, not firefighter or military injury claims. If you were diagnosed with a serious medical condition after AFFF exposure, reach out to our product liability team to learn more about your legal options.
AFFF Lawsuit Updates – November 2024
As this litigation moves forward, the next important issue is whether the plaintiffs’ expert witnesses can offer scientific testimony at the upcoming bellwether trials. The plaintiffs have provided their expert reports, and the defendants will contest their admissibility under what is known as a Daubert challenge. The court will decide if the experts’ scientific testimony is sufficiently relevant and reliable to allow the experts to testify. If the evidence does not pass Daubert standards, the testimony could be barred completely or restricted.
The AFFF team at Dolman Law Group is confident the scientific evidence will qualify, and the experts will be allowed to testify. Assuming the court rules this way, the defendants will be more likely to settle these cases and not risk going to trial. In the meantime, the court has entered a new order that sets a schedule for all remaining discovery, expert witness issues, and other pretrial preparations. The first bellwether cases are scheduled to begin on October 6, 2025.
Most of the municipal water source contamination cases were settled last October. However, cases involving telomerization were excluded because of the process used to reduce the levels of PFAS in the AFFF that contaminated the water. Now, the first telomer water provider case is set for trial on March 3, 2025. Once these cases are settled or tried, the team at Dolman Law Group expects the personal injury claims brought by firefighters and military members based on direct exposure to AFFF will finally be addressed.
Looking ahead to the Tier Two trials (which are not yet scheduled), the court entered an order allowing both sides to add more witnesses to their trial lists. Within 14 days of receiving the new list, the other side can request depositions of the new witnesses
Another firefighter has filed an AFFF claim in the MDL. The plaintiff alleges he was exposed to AFFF during firefighter training and by consuming contaminated water in Virginia. The named defendants include 3M, DuPont, and Chemours.
August was a slow month, but that is common with mass tort litigation. The next case management conference is set for September 13th, and we expect the court will continue moving these cases to trial and/or encouraging settlement discussions to resolve the MDL in 2025. At Dolman Law Group, our team still expects the defendants will likely settle these claims rather than risk the uncertainties a jury trial can bring. We expect strong settlement discussions in the coming months.
A research team at the University of Arizona studied a town located near a Washington State military base that used AFFF foam. The study revealed that people living near the base showed an abnormally high level of PFAS chemicals in their blood. This evidence showing the dangers of AFFF exposure can strengthen the plaintiffs’ claims in this litigation.
One of the defendants in the AFFF Multidistrict Litigation has reached a settlement with its main insurer. Tyco Fire Products and AIG Insurers have a preliminary settlement agreement that will help Tyco fund the pending $750 million settlement involving municipal water contamination. With these funds, Tyco can also contribute to a global settlement related to individual injury claims.
In the past several weeks, 327 lawsuits have left the MDL, probably because they have been settled out of court. At the same time, Massachusetts has announced a new law banning all PFSA chemicals in firefighting gear by 2027. This state joins several other states that have passed laws to protect firefighters and others exposed to AFFF.
The Dolman Law Group team is carefully watching the events as they unfold in the pending AFFF multidistrict litigation (MDL). Lately, several plaintiffs have voluntarily dismissed their pending claims and left the AFFF lawsuit. One reason a plaintiff may dismiss their own case is that they have reached a settlement with the defendant. While we hope plaintiffs are finally receiving financial justice, we can’t be sure these cases are settling since the terms are usually held in confidence.
In an effort to ease the MDL court’s burden, lawyers for injured plaintiffs have suggested limiting the first bellwether trials to plaintiffs in Pennsylvania facing kidney or testicular cancers or victims in Colorado who are suffering from thyroid cancer or ulcerative colitis that is linked to AFFF exposure. The court chose nine of the plaintiffs’ eleven proposed cases as the first round of bellwether trials.
The defendants offered eleven different cases, but the court did not choose any of their suggestions. As we approach these test cases, we expect to see more settlement discussions and, hopefully, fair resolutions.
Active AFFF lawsuits rose significantly, jumping from 8,270 in June to 9,198 as of July 2, 2024. A recently filed lawsuit involves a resident of Kentucky who alleges severe personal injuries, including thyroid disease, due to AFFF exposure.
The plaintiff, a volunteer and contract firefighter since 2015, claims that his thyroid disease, along with the resulting pain, suffering, and emotional distress, was caused by these products.
He was exposed to AFFF while serving at the Greater Naples Fire Rescue, Caneyville Volunteer Fire Department, and Irvington Fire Department.
The complaint highlights the well-established link between PFAS-containing AFFF products and thyroid cancer.
While the court continues to move Tier 1 cases along, both sides are working on a Case Management Order for Tier 2 cases. Tier 1 lawsuits involve plaintiffs who suffer from kidney cancer, testicular cancer, hypothyroidism, thyroid disease, or ulcerative colitis related to AFFF exposure. Tier 2 cases include plaintiffs with less severe cancers and lower AFFF exposure.
The parties requested 15 additional days to submit the order addressing how Tier 2 cases will be sorted and prepared for bellwether trials. This short filing extension should not affect the MDL’s progress or other important milestones.
In April, 323 new AFFF personal injury lawsuits joined this MDL. While new filings dropped from March’s record of nearly 570 new lawsuits, the total number of pending claims is now over 8,000.
There are now 7,738 personal injury lawsuits pending in the AFFF Multidistrict Litigation (MDL). The court is looking for an agreed procedure to choose bellwether trials later this year. However, we don’t expect any trials to begin in 2024. A bellwether trial is a “test trial” that gives both sides a feel for how litigation will turn out and hopefully lead to a global settlement. In the meantime, some insurance companies are trying to dodge responsibility for any wrongdoing on the part of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc. (KFI), another named defendant.
Most of the municipal water treatment cases against AFFF makers 3M, Dupont, and other defendants were resolved by a $10.3 billion settlement in 2023. The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California opted out of that settlement and is now appealing the court’s decision to approve the settlement. The other plaintiffs claim that once the District opted out, it lost the right to appeal. So, although we thought the municipal cases were done, the fighting continues. The outcome of this appeal will not affect the personal injury cases we are handling.
Another AFFF lawsuit was recently added to the Multidistrict Litigation (MDL). The latest case was filed by a state-certified firefighter in Nevada who was exposed to AFFF for five years during the 1990s and developed bladder cancer in 2021. All pending cases are scheduled for a status conference today in front of Judge Gergel. We hope to receive news about settlement opportunities later this year.
AFFF manufacturers Chemguard, 3M, and Tyco Fire Products want to add a new lawsuit to the pending MDL. The case in question was filed by the Connecticut attorney general and seeks to limit PFAS chemical use. It is not a personal injury lawsuit, and it has no place in the MDL. We hope the judge will refuse to admit this case and keep the focus on the individual plaintiffs who deserve compensation for their AFFF-related injuries.
In nine other cases, the plaintiffs and defendant BASF have agreed to toll the filing deadlines to focus on settlement discussions. This means the statutes of limitations are paused and/or extended by agreement. If a settlement is not possible, those plaintiffs can still file their lawsuits, even if the statute has expired.
As we have reported, in December 2023, AFFF manufacturers, including 3M and DuPont, agreed to pay $10.3 billion to settle claims related to PFAS contamination in c sources from AFFF foam. This does not directly impact the AFFF personal injury cases but signifies the defendants’ willingness to resolve major claims.
The federal judge overseeing the case commended 3M in proposing this $10.5 billion settlement. But bankruptcy concerns now arise due to the extensive PFAS claims. These concerns are likely to resurface during settlement talks in the AFFF personal injury and wrongful death firefighting foam lawsuits.
3M has previously used the fear of bankruptcy in negotiations, as seen in the 3m earplug litigation, and may do so again as settlement discussions progress. Despite a decreased value compared to 2018, 3M’s worth of $50 billion suggests it has the financial capacity to settle the AFFF claims.
Washington has recently announced an AFFF collection and remediation campaign to eradicate stockpiles of the hazardous substance in municipal fire stations across the state. The Department of Ecology intends to begin the drive upon the conclusion of a period of public comment and reevaluation.
Washington’s efforts parallel those of New Hampshire, whose novel contract with Revive Environmental was one of the first major attempts to treat AFFF supplies, which pose chronic risks to the environment and human health.
As 88 plaintiffs enrolled in the AFFF MDL, the International Agency for Research on Cancer published the results of a seminar it hosted on the carcinogenic potential of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS). The experts who attended the convention revised their original classification of PFOA as a potential human carcinogen to a known human carcinogen.
The new “Group 1” designation for PFOA was also attended by a “Group 2B” assignment for PFOA, which means the substance may cause cancer in humans. Both PFOA and PFOS are critical components in hazardous AFFF firefighting foams.
Following the resolution of a discovery dispute later this month, Judge Gergel has ordered the parties to initiate evidentiary collection for a list of court-approved, prospective bellwether trials. The suits are the first AFFF personal injury cases to advance after a contentious series of proceedings over the legitimacy of 3M and DuPont’s settlements with municipal water suppliers.
It remains to be seen how major defendants will respond. For example, 3M averted a bellwether trial for the City of Stuart, Florida, days before it was scheduled to take place to finalize a settlement.
At this point, the parties in the personal injury AFFF litigation have been ordered to conclude a dispute over the discovery process by the end of January. Thereafter, the court is poised to facilitate evidentiary collection for potential bellwether trials, which Judge Gergel approved in late December 2023. The defendants in the ongoing AFFF litigation have a track record of avoiding unfavorable bellwether trials, such as 3M’s last-ditch settlement negotiations with the City of Stuart, Florida, on the eve of the municipality’s trial. Whether 3M, DuPont, Corteva, and others will behave similarly for personal injury cases is unclear.
In a mid-December court filing, Hawaii sued prominent AFFF manufacturers for failing to warn the state of the environmental and human health risks of firefighting foam use, spillage, and disposal. The 25 manufacturers named in the litigation include 3M Company and DuPont de Nemours.
Many defendants also participate in the ongoing AFFF MDL in South Carolina federal court, which is slated to address thousands of personal injury claims in the coming months. Potential settlement payouts from the Hawaii suit are set to compensate the state for past remediation campaigns and bankroll future initiatives.
The presiding Judge in the AFFF injury lawsuits has granted all parties until January 31, 2024, to resolve a pending discovery dispute and motion to compel regarding the initial bellwether trials.
An additional 227 plaintiffs have enrolled in the ongoing multidistrict litigation (MDL), raising the total number of participants to over 6,600. The majority of these new cases involve personal injury claims connected to direct AFFF exposure or indirect PFAS exposure.
On December 12, the prosecution submitted the Initial Personal Injury Bellwether Discovery Pool Plaintiffs. The 25 plaintiffs who participated in the bellwether process were selected from the court-designated Personal Injury Tier One cases. These plaintiffs suffer from kidney cancer, testicular cancer, hypothyroidism or thyroid disease, and ulcerative colitis.
To participate, these plaintiffs waived their Lexecon rights, which means they agreed to allow the MDL court to resolve their cases rather than the courts where they originally filed them. The bellwether discovery pool proposal signifies that the court is transitioning from municipal water litigation to personal injury lawsuits.
On December 14, Judge Gergel is set to hold a fairness hearing to finalize DuPont’s $1.18 billion settlement with municipal water suppliers in the AFFF multidistrict litigation. Earlier this month, the presiding magistrate warned that any campaign to derail the highly controversial settlement could result in a decade of subsequent litigation for otherwise eligible claimants.
The U.S. District Court for the District of South Carolina will hold a fairness hearing for the $10.3 billion 3M settlement payout in early February 2024. The next wave of AFFF lawsuits will resolve the personal injury claims from those who allege that their exposure to the toxic firefighting foam resulted in severe injuries.
With 351 new cases added to the MDL in the past 30 days, the total number of AFFF claims surpassed 6,400. However, half of these cases involve municipal water contamination cases that were settled by the agreement reached in October. The remaining cases are individual personal injury claims that should be the focus going forward.
Unfortunately, one group of municipal claims, known as the Telomer cases, still did not settle in October. The court is currently focusing on resolving these matters instead of individual personal injury claims. In the meantime, three separate plaintiffs have died while waiting for their cases to be heard. The long delays have robbed these plaintiffs of the justice they deserve, and now their family members must step in on their behalf.
Based on a Case Management Order entered by the AFFF Multi-District Litigation court, the plaintiffs and defendants must submit a list of proposed personal injury cases that will serve as bellwether trials by November 14th. The chosen cases will proceed to fact-specific discovery before a final list of claims is chosen to serve as preliminary test cases.
The National Cancer Institute released a new study that once again connects AFFF exposure to cancer in U.S. Air Force servicemen. This study draws a causal link between the PFAS chemicals found in firefighting foam and a greater incidence of testicular cancer. Another study expected soon from eBioMedicine (a publication affiliated with Lancet) connects high levels of a PFAS called linear perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) to a 56% increase in the likelihood of being diagnosed with thyroid cancer.
In the past month, the number of cases in the AFFF Multi-District Litigation (MDL) surpassed 6,000 with the addition of 111 new cases. Many of the pending cases have been resolved with the global settlement mentioned below, but thousands of personal injury claims are yet to be addressed.
This month, all municipal and local water authority plaintiffs that brought suit against the manufacturers of AFFF for contaminating public water sources will receive justice. In a global settlement, 3M and Dupont, among other defendants, have agreed to pay $10.3 billion to resolve all municipality cases.
In the past few months, the court’s focus has been on resolving the pending municipal cases. Now that a settlement has been reached in those cases, we expect the personal injury cases to move forward toward bellwether trials or settlement discussions.
Over the past two months, the Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) MDL has seen a significant influx of cases, with approximately 1,000 new cases added to the docket. Additionally, a recent study discussed the concerning connection between exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), commonly found in AFFF and testicular cancer. This study, particularly relevant to U.S. Air Force servicemen, underscores the urgent need for addressing the pending AFFF lawsuits.
After Judge Gergel asked for the latest information, the lawyers for the plaintiffs gave him a new report from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) discussing concerns over dangerous PFAS chemicals. This report discusses how PFAS chemicals, which are known as “forever chemicals,” can cause cancer. The report points out that there are no safe levels of these chemicals in drinking water.
At the same time, there’s good news about the big legal agreement happening around the world about AFFF chemicals messing up city water. Our team thinks that if we can sort out these city cases well, it will be a good sign for all the other cases where people got hurt and are still waiting for answers.
Sadly, a plaintiff who brought an AFFF lawsuit in Alabama that was transferred into the MDL has passed away while this litigation is still pending. The plaintiff’s daughter has been substituted into the MDL to act on his behalf. As this litigation lingers, we are reminded that not all injured plaintiffs will live to see and receive the settlements they deserve.
Over the last 30 days, nearly 500 cases were added to the MDL, the most recorded since this lawsuit began.
Of the more than 5,000 pending cases, some may be municipal water contamination cases which will be settled according to the agreement reached earlier this month. The remaining cases should be personal injury matters which will be the focus once the municipal settlements are cleared out.
Instead of holding the first bellwether trial scheduled in June 2023, all municipality-related AFFF lawsuits have been settled. DuPont and its spin-offs Chemours Co. and Corteva Inc reached a $1.18 billion deal to resolve approximately 300 PFAS complaints from drinking water suppliers. While the largest defendant, 3M, finally agreed to pay up to $10.3 billion to resolve municipality drinking water contamination cases, according to a 3M press release. Since the payments will occur over a 12-year timeframe, the actual payout could be closer to $12.5 billion, according to 3M’s SEC filing.
With the municipality claims out of the way, the focus will shift to claims brought by individual firefighters and military members who have suffered personal injuries as a result of AFFF exposure. After agreeing to pay these billion-dollar settlements, we hope the AFFF manufacturers will be willing to pay smaller amounts to resolve the remaining individual lawsuits and clear these matters off their books quickly. As of July 1st, there were 4,793 cases pending in the AFFF MDL.
The first AFFF trial was scheduled to start today, but it has been delayed based on a joint motion filed by both parties claiming they are close to settlement. Unfortunately, this case does not address individual personal injury claims against the manufacturers of AFFF foam. Instead, the first trial was based on a claim brought by the City of Stuart, Florida, alleging its water sources, along with groundwater and local soils, were contaminated by the PFAS chemicals found in AFFF.
Setting a case for trial often leads to last-minute settlement negotiations, and we’ve learned that 3M may be close to paying $10 billion to settle all municipality-based lawsuits. DuPont may also be considering settlement options at this stage, but again, only for municipalities, not individual personal injury claims.
Since our goal is to help the firefighters, military members, and others who were injured by AFFF foam exposure, a trial verdict against the chemical manufacturers might have carried more weight. However, municipal settlements may lead to individual compensation in firefighter and military personal injury lawsuits, so we are following these initial negotiations closely.
Three of the largest defendants in the AFFF Lawsuit MD—DuPont de Nemours, the Chemours Company, and Corteva—have reached an agreement to address claims brought by municipalities whose public water systems were contaminated by PFAS chemicals found in AFFF. The three corporations will create a $1.185 billion settlement fund, and each will contribute funds based on their agreed-upon involvement. The proposed agreement must be approved by the United States District Court for the District of South Carolina.
The EPA has finally issued proposed limits on the amount of PFAS chemicals that are acceptable in drinking water. The recommended limit of only four parts per billion should help juries understand the extreme dangers firefighting foam presents. The defendants in the first AFFF trial scheduled to begin on June 5th have objected to the admission of these limits. They argued the EPA’s recommendation is not final yet and did not indicate the level of knowledge at the time the AFFF products were produced.
Judge Gergal denied the defendant’s motion to bar the evidence because it might explain the toxicity of PFAS and why they should be removed from city water sources.
Should the plaintiff emerge victorious in this initial bellwether trial, it is anticipated that the defendants will challenge the judge’s ruling through an appeal.
Judge Gergel who is overseeing the AFFF lawsuit MDL, has removed Kidde-Fenwal Inc. (KFI) from the lawsuit filed by the City of Stuart, FL, due to KFI filing for bankruptcy protection. This lawsuit accuses KFI, among other companies, of producing AFFF firefighting foams containing PFAS, leading to the contamination of the city’s water sources.
The initial set of bellwether trials is concentrating on the contamination of municipal water sources. In contrast, the second phase will address personal injury claims from military personnel and firefighters who came into contact with AFFF foam during their duties.
These potential plaintiffs are categorized based on the medical conditions they have developed, including kidney cancer, testicular cancer, thyroid disease, or ulcerative colitis.
Furthermore, these individuals must have been exposed to AFFF foam in proximity to specific locations: Colorado Springs Municipal Airport, Peterson Air Force Base, the Naval Air Warfare Center in Warminster, or the Willow Grove Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base.
When a large lawsuit like the AFFF lawsuit is converted into an MDL, a series of test trials are conducted the help assess future cases. The first bellwether trial in the AFFF MDL is 3M, DuPont, and Tyco Fire Products versus the City of Stuart, Florida which claims the city’s water supply and local rivers and lakes were contaminated by PFAS in Aqueous Film Forming Foam manufactured by these companies.
Thes defendants argued the city would not be able to link the water contamination to their products, but the judge disagreed. Federal Judge Gergel denied a joint Motion for Summary Judgment filed by the three defendants. Eventually, the jury will be required to consider complicated scientific evidence to decide whether the defendants should be held responsible for contaminating the water sources. The outcome of this first trial will have a major impact on the future of this litigation and potential AFFF lawsuit settlement amounts.
The first bellwether case (test lawsuit) is set for a jury trial in June. Both sides are preparing their evidence and objecting to the other side’s proposed exhibits. The judge is requiring all lead counsel to argue their objections in person to reduce frivolous arguments.
Recent studies by NIST looked at 20 different materials used in making firefighter gear. The findings show that each material contains at least one, and in some cases, as many as 17 different types of PFAS. Currently, it remains uncertain if these PFAS can penetrate the skin of firefighters while they are wearing their equipment and increase their risk of developing cancer.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is encouraging all firefighters to enroll in the National Firefighter Registry for Cancer to track and analyze the incidence of cancer among firefighters. In general, firefighters report more cancer diagnoses than the general public. Not long ago, the link between AFFF and cancer was considered hypothetical. Now it appears that the risk of cancer from AFFF is becoming an accepted fact.
There are now 4,173 claims filed in the AFFF lawsuit MDL.
The US Air Force has set its sights on being the first military department to stop using fire suppressants that contain PFAS and endanger their service women and men. According to the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act, all Department of Defense locations must phase out AFFF by October 2024 and safety remove the existing foam from the property.
Research and testing are still underway to determine adequate replacements and solutions for aqueous film-forming foam. However, in the meantime, we can expect that many more individuals will be exposed to firefighting foam.
Illinois has also filed a lawsuit against 3M, Dyneon LLC, DuPont, and other distributors and manufacturers of AFFF. The lawsuit seeks compensation and policy changes due to the dangers that firefighting foam poses to Illinois’ drinking water.
Illinois may be trying to prevent the case from being merged into the Multi-District Litigation (MDL) in South Carolina in hopes of avoiding the lengthy battle that is sure to ensue.
Firefighters are 4 times more likely than the general population to be diagnosed with prostate cancer and 3 times more likely to be diagnosed with leukemia, according to new research.
Judge Gergel has appointed retired Judge Layn Phillips to facilitate global settlement talks between plaintiffs and the numerous defendant manufacturers of firefighting foam. There are presently over 3300 pending AFFF lawsuits in the AFFF MDL. Settlement talks will be complicated by the different interests of individual plaintiffs and the municipalities that also serve as individual plaintiffs. Keep in mind the very first firefighting foam bellwether trial was brought by the City of Stuart, Florida.
AFFF MDL Judge Richard Gergel has selected his first bellwether trial, which is the City of Stuart v. 3M Company, et al., scheduled for June 5, 2023. We believe settlement discussions will begin heating up as the first trial grows closer. Keep in mind there are two categories of AFFF cases. One batch is individual claims, and the other lawsuits are brought on behalf of municipalities for damage to property and the water source.
Judge Gergel rejected 3M’s government contractor defense. 3M had sought summary judgment based on manufacturing AFFF firefighting foam under a government contract. However, 3M’S failure to inform the government of known dangers concerning firefighting foam served as their undoing. Judge Gergel stated that 3M withheld information about potential health risks for individuals exposed to AFFF, including an increased risk for testicular cancer, kidney cancer, and prostate cancer. The environmental protection agency considers AFFF foam a very dangerous health risk.
A large number of AFFF lawsuits would have been barred had Judge Gergel granted 3M’s motion for summary judgment. 3M is the largest defendant in the firefighting foam lawsuit. 3M was well aware of thousands of complaints that AFFF exposure is linked to multiple cancers.
As of September 20, 2021, there are nearly 2,700 AFFF firefighting foam lawsuits pending before Judge Gergel in the United States Federal Court for the District of South Carolina. The official title is The Aqueous Film-Forming Foams Product Liability Litigation, MDL-2873. As AFFF lawyers, we see several common defendants, and we can separate the AFFF firefighting foam lawsuits into several categories. Current AFFF lawsuits are pending against 3M, TYCO Fire Product, Dupont, Buckeye Fire Equipment, and Chemguard Inc., among others.
Judge Gergel issued a case management order last month indicating that the first AFFF firefighting foam bellwether trial would take place in April 2023. The specific AFFF foam lawsuit to be tried will be selected this December.
A multidistrict litigation (MDL) was created for the AFFF firefighting foam lawsuits. The Judicial Panel for Multidistrict Litigation (JPML) has consolidated all firefighting foam lawsuits that were filed and are pending in Federal Court. A total of just over 80 AFFF lawsuits were consolidated before Judge Richard M. Gergel at this time.
These lawsuits share similar issues of both law and facts surrounding the use of firefighting foam and the toxic chemicals in AFFF. We expect the number of AFFF firefighting foam cancer lawsuits to increase exponentially over the next year. Keep in mind that nearly 20% of firefighters consistently exposed to AFFF firefighting foam are diagnosed with cancer at some point. Kidney and testicular cancer seem to be the most common diagnosis. However, there are a wide variety of medical issues and different types of cancers related to AFFF exposure.
Firefighting Foam AFFF Lawsuit Defendants—The Manufacturers
The experienced firefighting foam cancer lawyers at Dolman Law Group are presently investigating claims against the following AFFF manufacturers:
- 3M Company
- Tyco Fire Products
- Chemguard
- Kidde Fire Fighting
- Buckeye Fire Equipment
- Dupont
- Chubb Fire
- The Chemours Company
This list is not exhaustive. We will investigate claims against any of the existing firefighting foam manufacturers. If you or a loved one was employed as a firefighter and later developed cancer, please reach out to our firefighting foam cancer lawyers and schedule a free consultation and case review.
Who Can Develop Cancer Due to AFFF Exposure?
Those who are at the greatest risk of developing cancer as a result of long-term AFFF exposure include firefighters, U.S. military service members who have lived and worked in proximity to where the firefighting foam is used, as well as airport workers and emergency responders.
People who use AFFF on the job or live near operations that regularly use AFFF firefighting foam tend to absorb unsafe levels of man-made chemicals known as PFAS, which have strong ties to cancer. There are several occupations that are at an increased risk of developing cancer due to AFFF exposure.
- Firefighters: While firefighters know that the risk of toxic exposure comes with the job, in this case, it’s coming from their own equipment. AFFF is the gold standard for fire suppressants among military and civilian firefighters, so it is used constantly in training and practice, increasing exposure each time.
- Military Personnel: Between fuel, weapons, vehicles, machinery, and ammunition, the military has to be careful about mitigating the risk of a fire breaking out, and they use AFFF to accomplish this. However, that also creates lots of opportunities for military personnel to inhale or absorb PFAS found in AFFF while they train or put out fires.
- Airport Workers: Airports across the U.S. train their employees to use AFFF in the event of an emergency, as a fire near jet fuel could prove catastrophic. Like other firefighters, airport employees are at a greater risk of developing certain cancers due to their frequent interactions with AFFF.
- Communities Near Military Bases and Airports: AFFF can be absorbed into the soil and make contact with groundwater, spreading the risk of exposure to neighboring communities. Once the toxins in AFFF have contaminated the environment, it is expensive and difficult to remove them, so in most cases, they remain there for years and continue to present a health threat.
Workers in Industries Using AFFF: Individuals who work around combustible materials, heavy machinery, equipment, or flammable chemicals may be exposed to AFFF while using it as a way to protect their job site.
What Problems Can the Dangerous Chemicals in AFFF Foam Cause and How?

Aqueous film-forming foam exposure puts many firefighters at risk, as they can have high blood levels of up to nine different fluorinate compounds.
Firefighters are exposed to forever chemicals in several ways: through breathing, skin contact, and oral ingestion, which may prove difficult to avoid when fighting fires directly.
Today’s firefighters have stringent safety regulations in place to help decrease exposure and the effects of potential exposure to forever chemicals. These regulations include wearing protective gear before using fire suppression systems that contain PFAS, showering as soon as possible, and wiping down the skin after suspected exposure.
Firefighters have also moved to replace their existing systems with fluorine-free fire suppression options. Unfortunately, despite the known dangers, some firefighters continue to come into contact with PFAS through fire suppression systems. While these chemicals may, in the short term, help fight fires, they can also cause serious harm to the firefighters who help suppress those fires.
High-Risk Professions for AFFF Firefighting Foam Exposure
Most individuals who come into contact with high levels of AFFF work as firefighters in some capacity. Many firefighters do not receive warnings about the potential dangers associated with AFFF use or exposure to PFAS. They receive training in the use of specific procedures that help suppress fires without adequate warning of how exposure to firefighting foam could hurt them later in life.
Use by the Navy
AFFF usage in the Navy began in the 1960s. Navy workers used AFFF to suppress actual fires and as part of training exercises designed to teach the appropriate responses to those fires.
The Navy heavily favored the use of these chemicals due to their ability to smother jet fuel fires, which could quickly rage out of control without fire suppression help. Currently, the US Navy has moved to transition away from chemicals that contain PFAS. Unfortunately, the Navy continues to use many of these chemicals while looking for effective solutions.
Airport Workers
Until 2018, when information about the potential cancerous impact of AFFF firefighting foam exposure came to light, many airports required the use of AFFF in their fire suppression systems. Many workers in those airports, especially emergency responders and those who helped clean up after those fires, likely were exposed to toxic firefighting foam.
Does the U.S. Military Continue to Use AFFF?
According to a press release from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, the Air Force is on track to become the first military branch to meet the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act’s requirement to shut down all hangar fire suppression systems that use AFFF.
The Air Force has been testing other fire suppression products since 2016, including 12 fluorine-free foams and off-the-shelf alternatives. Currently, the branch is waiting for authorization to replace the AFFF in vehicles with fluorine-free foam by late 2024. Other military branches continue using AFFF for fire suppression.
AFFF Firefighting Foam Exposure in Groundwater and Drinking Water
AFFF does not degrade substantially on its own and may take thousands of years to disappear from local areas. In areas where it was used, it may leech into the ground and local groundwater. In some cases, that may lead to local citizens facing exposure to those harmful chemicals.
These chemicals may remain particularly high around Navy bases or in areas where firefighters train regularly. Private citizens who believe they may face cancer due to exposure to chemicals from AFFF should consult their doctors and talk to a lawyer to learn more about their rights and the harm caused by those chemicals.
Filing an AFFF Lawsuit: Who Bears Liability for Injuries?
Many of the companies using AFFF, including local fire departments, may have had little to no idea of the potential side effects of those chemicals.
On the other hand, some of the companies producing those fire suppression systems have known about the dangers for decades. Despite that knowledge, these individuals took no steps to protect the public, including the firefighters who put their lives on the line to help suppress fires and save both people and property.
At Dolman Law Group, we are prepared to pursue compensation for victims who faced serious diagnoses and symptoms as a result of AFFF exposure. We are looking at claims, evaluating the challenges faced by individuals who have dealt with those diagnoses, and challenging the companies that produced and distributed AFFF for fire suppression. Contact us for a free consultation to see if you may be eligible to take part in the firefighter foam lawsuit settlement.
The Dangers of PFAS in AFFF Firefighting Foam
PFAS (perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances) have gained attention in recent years after they were labeled “forever chemicals” due to their inability to break down. In fact, if PFAS chemicals ever break down, it can take years. As a result, PFAS contamination has proven to be extremely expensive for municipalities to remediate. Individuals who live in the immediate area are often exposed to these toxic chemicals and known carcinogens regularly as they drink and bathe in contaminated water.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a study indicating that nearly 900 uses of AFFF products or spills containing AFFF firefighting foam have entered various U.S. waterways. In fact, the EPA has documented 897 instances of forever chemicals seeping into our water sources. There is no telling how widespread the contamination of our water sources by dangerous chemicals and known carcinogens is.
Other Health Problems Related to AFFF Exposure
In addition to the multiple types of cancer we listed earlier, here are some other potential diseases your doctors might believe result from exposure to AFFF, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs:
- Asthma
- Fertility issues
- Increased cholesterol
- Thyroid disease
- Kidney disease
- Crohn’s disease
- Liver disease
- Neurological disease
- Changes in fetal development
- Changes in child development
- Pregnancy-induced hypertension
Understand that without being diagnosed with one of the cancers listed earlier, you will not be able to receive a personal injury award related to your AFFF exposure. The illnesses and diseases listed here are potential side effects of exposure.
If you believe you have AFFF exposure, tell your doctor so they can be on the lookout for these cancers and diseases.
Proving the Validity of an AFFF Lawsuit
To prove the elements of an AFFF lawsuit, work closely with a personal injury attorney who can explain more about your legal rights and what information you will need to provide, including the following:
- Medical records. Your medical records will contain your diagnosis and when it took place, notes from your doctor about the severity of your symptoms, and how many areas of your life are impacted. These records will also include information about any cancer treatments needed, including chemotherapy, radiation, or surgical treatment.
- Medical bills. Your medical bills will help form the foundation of your AFFF exposure personal injury claim. Collect all medical bills related to your cancer diagnosis, including bills for tests, follow-up visits with your doctor, cancer treatments, and any procedures performed. You may also include bills for any durable medical equipment you used during your illness or for in-home care if needed.
- Evidence of your AFFF exposure. Where did you face AFFF exposure? In what context? Did you work as a firefighter in a local fire department, on a Navy base, or in an airport? Did you face AFFF exposure due to chemicals in groundwater that you consumed or were exposed to over time? A dedicated AFFF foam attorney can help you collect evidence of your AFFF exposure, including how often you may have been exposed due to your personal experience.
If You Cannot Offer Proof of Exposure
Employment records can help show that you worked as a firefighter. If you worked as a volunteer firefighter, your volunteer records could also show when you may have faced exposure. An attorney can help investigate your claim and provide the proof that you may need. If you worked at an airport or in the Navy as a firefighter, those records would also show when you may have faced exposure.
An attorney can help assess what chemicals your workplace used and review any situations in which you may have faced direct exposure.
AFFF Lawsuit Settlement Amounts: Recovering The Compensation You Deserve
Following exposure to PFAS and a cancer diagnosis related to that exposure, contact a dedicated personal injury attorney with AFFF experience as soon as possible. Our firefighting foam attorneys can help provide an overview of the specific compensation you deserve and determine who may be responsible for paying compensation. Most personal injury claims, including AFFF litigation due to exposure to carcinogens, include the same basic financial damages.
Medical Bills
Your medical bills form a vital part of any personal injury claim—and following a cancer diagnosis, those bills can add up fast. Many cancer patients face long hospitalizations and require multiple procedures to treat their cancer. You may have to undergo surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy. Some doctors recommend expensive immunotherapy to help advance the treatment of cancer or palliative care to ease your symptoms.
Lost Wages
Following a cancer diagnosis, some patients have to leave work, either temporarily or permanently. While some patients can work part-time while going through cancer treatments, others may find it impossible to manage their treatments while still doing full-time work. Some employers will allow you to shift to part-time work during your treatments; however, you may miss a substantial amount of your normal wages during those periods.
Pain and Suffering
Cancer patients go through a great deal of suffering during their treatments. Not only can many types of cancer cause considerable suffering on their own, but the treatments can also cause additional suffering for the victim. Many victims also suffer as they miss out on much-anticipated activities, relationships, and events due to weakness from cancer or cancer treatments.
Talk to an attorney about how to include the pain and suffering you faced as part of your lawsuit.
Why You Deserve Compensation for AFFF-Related Damages
As a firefighter, you likely took your job to protect the people around you: to fight fires, stop property damage, and save lives. If you worked as a Navy or airport firefighter, you might have been exposed to high levels of those chemicals regularly as you worked to save lives and decrease potential dangers.
The companies that produced those chemicals, however, did not take the necessary steps to protect you.
With proper protective gear and safety measures in place, including limiting the movements of AFFF materials to protect groundwater and keep residents safe, AFFF can still see regular use. In some dangerous environments, the hazards presented by fires could outweigh the possible dangers of AFFF exposure. Unfortunately, the companies that manufacture AFFF did not take the steps necessary to protect firefighters or private citizens who came into contact with those chemicals.
In many patients, a cancer diagnosis can change and limit the rest of their lives. If cancer reaches an advanced stage before diagnosis, it can lead to death. You deserve compensation for the losses you faced. Contact Dolman Law Group to learn more about your legal right to compensation through a firefighting foam cash settlement.
What Potential AFFF Lawsuit Settlement Amounts Can I Expect?
For starters, the manufacturers of AFFF are not quite ready to settle. Bellwether trials are now being set, with the first trial currently set to occur in June 2023. A bellwether case enables both sides to see how a jury may evaluate similar cases within the AFFF MDL. However, once several bellwether trials have reached jury verdicts; we anticipate one side will commence discussions of a potential AFFF settlement to eliminate the potential exposure of numerous lawsuits going one way or the other.
We expect each AFFF lawsuit settlement to be based on several categories concerning the type of cancer and its severity. While it is still too early to make accurate predictions as to settlement value, we can speculate based on how prior mass tort cases have been resolved. We believe the average AFFF lawsuit settlement value will exceed $150,000.00. Further, it is our opinion that the average jury verdict could exceed $1,000,000.00. However, only a small portion of mass tort cases are tried before a jury due to the risk and costs associated with trials.
How Can a Firefighting Foam Attorney Help?

Working with an experienced personal injury attorney can help you seek the compensation you deserve for any type of personal injury claim, including claims related to a cancer diagnosis for AFFF exposure. An attorney can:
- Help you better understand your legal right to compensation. How much compensation do you really deserve after a cancer diagnosis? Should you participate in a class action lawsuit or pursue compensation on your own? What should you do if the company that manufactured AFFF offers you a settlement you do not think will meet your needs? An attorney can provide valuable advice that can help you make the best decisions to protect your financial future and rights following serious health-related challenges related to AFFF exposure.
- Fight for you. You need an attorney to help fight for the compensation you deserve. Often, companies respond more generously to attorneys than they do to private individuals. An attorney can also help take your claim to court, if needed, and fight aggressively for the compensation you deserve. An attorney can also help you decide when to accept a settlement offer and how it may impact your financial future.
- Provide peace of mind and decrease stress throughout the process. With a cancer diagnosis, you have more than enough things to worry about already. An attorney can help provide peace of mind as you move through the legal system after your diagnosis. Leave the complicated legal process in your attorney’s hands rather than worrying about those matters yourself. Many patients find that working closely with an experienced personal injury attorney frees them up to focus on their recovery and the related challenges rather than dealing with legal issues.
AFFF Lawsuit FAQs
If you have questions about an individual claim, contact Dolman Law Group as soon as possible. We can help answer your questions and give you a better understanding of the compensation you deserve for the losses and expenses you suffered due to your cancer diagnosis after AFFF exposure.
In the meantime, we’ll answer some of the most commonly asked questions related to AFFF exposure lawsuits.

Many attorneys will accept personal injury claims, including those against AFFF companies, on a contingency fee basis. The attorney does not require payment upfront. Instead, they take their fee as a percentage of the settlement you receive. For many victims, this makes the legal process much more affordable, enabling them to get the compensation they need.
Start with a free consultation with an attorney experienced in handling AFFF lawsuits. Ask the attorney how they have dealt with those clients in the past and, if relevant, what past results they have seen. During that free consultation, an attorney can also give you a better idea of how much compensation you should receive for your personal injury claim.
To file an AFFF exposure lawsuit related to a cancer diagnosis, you will need to show evidence of AFFF exposure at some point. If you live near a military base or airport, you might have grounds to show that these chemicals were used regularly around your area. Further research into your local area may reveal when and why you faced AFFF exposure.
In addition, an attorney may help you identify specific instances when firefighters nearby used AFFF to suppress flames. You may also choose to have your local water tested, which could reveal evidence of AFFF contamination. Contact an attorney if you believe that you have grounds for a lawsuit related to AFFF exposure, even if you did not work as a firefighter.
Dolman Law Group is accepting clients for firefighting foam cancer lawsuits in all 50 states (see final statement). If you or a loved one were exposed to toxic PFAS in firefighting foam and subsequently developed cancer or other related health risks, you may be eligible to file an AFFF Lawsuit.
Disability compensation for exposure to AFFF is available only for firefighters who served in the military. However, civilian firefighters can also recover compensation by filing an AFFF lawsuit through Dolman Law Group.
Three of the largest AFFF manufacturing defendants—DuPont de Nemours, the Chemours Company, and Corteva—have reached a settlement with municipalities where the public water systems were contaminated by PFAS chemicals related to AFFF.
Regular or long exposure to PFAS in firefighting foam can increase the risks of various cancers. Thousands of scientific studies have shown the presence of PFAS in blood tests, which is linked to Bladder cancer, Kidney cancer, Pancreatic cancer, Testicular cancer, Liver cancer, Breast cancer, Leukemia, Lymphoma, Ovarian cancer, and Prostate cancer.
States aren’t waiting that long to move to safer and more effective alternatives. Twelve states, including California, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, and Washington, have moved to ban all PFAS in firefighting foam, with only limited exceptions.
It can take time before you have the settlement for an AFFF lawsuit in your hands. Resolving a lawsuit usually takes months or years. You should start by contacting an attorney as soon after your diagnosis as possible, especially if you believe that your diagnosis was caused by AFFF exposure. Your lawyer can help walk you through the process and give you a better idea of the timeline related to your specific claim.
In general, these factors can affect the length of your claim.
- The extent of your cancer and treatment protocols. If you’re considering filing a personal injury claim due to a cancer diagnosis, it is important to have an understanding of the costs and time involved in the treatment. Your doctor will be able to provide you with further information on this, although they may not be able to give you a definite idea of the future. Your lawyer may also advise you to wait until you have further information on your prognosis before filing a claim.
- The rounds of negotiation involved. Before you can receive a settlement for your claim—or, if you need to go to court, a jury award—you may need to go through several rounds of negotiation. You may not want to accept the company’s initial offer, and the company will usually not offer you the funds you asked for. The more rounds of negotiation you need to go through, the more it can increase the time needed to settle your claim. You may also need to factor in the time needed for mediation, in which you have a chance to sit down with your attorney, the company and its representatives, and a mediator to help you reach an agreement. If you cannot reach an agreement through mediation, your claim may need to go to court.

If you lost a loved one due to cancer from AFFF exposure, you might be able to file a wrongful death claim, which can provide you with compensation for the loss of your loved one. Contact an experienced attorney who has previously dealt with AFFF claims to get a better idea of what compensation you can expect.
Compensation may include:
- Your loved one’s medical bills before death
- The loss of companionship you face
- Your loved one’s pain and suffering before death
- The loss of your loved one’s income or other contributions to the family
To file a wrongful death claim, you will need to have a direct relationship with the deceased. Most often, the deceased’s spouse has the first right to compensation, followed by the deceased’s children. If the deceased had no spouse or children, their parents could have the right to seek compensation through a wrongful death claim, especially if the deceased supported the parents financially or physically.
No matter what caused your cancer diagnosis, as the party receiving medical services, you have the primary obligation to pay for those services. The contract you sign with your doctors or hospital will indicate that you need to take responsibility for all costs related to those services.
That does not necessarily mean, however, that you must pay all of your medical bills immediately following that type of diagnosis. Some payment options include:
- Your health insurance may help cover many of those expenses. When you receive your initial diagnosis, consult your health insurance company for a better idea of what you can expect for out-of-pocket costs. You may need to ask questions about what coverage your insurance company will offer, including which providers you can use that your insurance company covers in-network for treatments and procedures.
- Your hospital may have programs in place that will help support cancer patients and their families. Many hospitals offer treatment to patients on a nonprofit basis, which can make it easier for you to pay for those treatments. Some other programs also help pay for cancer treatments, transportation, or lodging while patients or their family members go through cancer treatments. Contact your hospital and ask about what programs you can use to help offset some of the costs associated with cancer treatment.
- A personal injury claim can be the best way to be financially compensated for medical costs caused by an injury. Although it won’t change the diagnosis, it can give you the financial means to pay for related treatments. Contact an injury lawyer soon after diagnosis to learn how much you can receive to help with medical expenses.
In some cases, your doctors may discover such advanced cancer that you cannot reasonably expect treatment to prolong your life. In others, you may have a relatively minor cancer that does not require immediate treatment, only observation. In either case, however, you may still face considerable medical bills related to your treatment.
Even if you do not receive treatment for your cancer, you may still have the right to an AFFF lawsuit that can help you seek compensation for the suffering you faced and for your medical expenses. Contact an AFFF attorney to ask more specific questions about your rights following your cancer diagnosis and how your decision not to pursue treatment can affect your claim. Keep in mind that our mass tort attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. In other words, we do not get paid unless our firm obtains a settlement on behalf of the victim, so learning about your rights will cost you nothing.
Not everyone who has AFFF exposure will automatically develop cancer. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, the buildup of PFAS, PFOS, and PFOA can occur in the body over years of exposure. So, the chances of developing cancer from exposure to these chemicals will go up after repeated and lengthy exposure. A short exposure or infrequent exposure may not lead to the formation of cancer in the future.
However, long-term occupational exposure to AFFF creates an increased risk you may develop cancer or another serious medical issue. Some people may develop cancer within a few years after the AFFF exposure. Others may not see cancer appear for several years. Some people will never develop cancer.
If you believe you were exposed to AFFF, you should alert your general practitioner as soon as possible. Try to be specific about the dates and levels of exposure you had. With this information in your medical records, your doctor can keep a lookout for any related cancers or illnesses, hoping to catch them early. If you eventually need to file a claim because of your AFFF exposure, having this information in your medical records is also helpful.
When Should You Partner With an Attorney to File an AFFF Lawsuit After a Cancer Diagnosis?
As a firefighter, you may have put your life and health on the line to help save the people around you or to decrease the risk of extreme property damage. You did not expect the danger to sneak up on you. And you cannot be expected to navigate the complex legal system alone.
Based on experience with other claims related to AFFF exposure and its damage, our experienced firefighting foam lawyers have an intimate understanding of these cases. This can include deciphering complex medical diagnoses, tracking exposure rates, and determining the liable party. Personal injury attorneys who have no experience with these kinds of cases may struggle to fully understand the medical issues involved, as well as the technology behind the chemistry.
Trust our team to understand your case fully. We know how frustrating it can be to face a situation like this, and we take pride in helping victims of AFFF exposure receive the compensation they deserve. We are presently representing a number of professional, volunteer, and military firefighters.
Dolman Law Group is ready to listen to your story and see if we can help you by pursuing an AFFF lawsuit on your behalf or on behalf of a loved one. Contact us today to learn more about your right to compensation following a cancer diagnosis. Our AFFF lawsuit attorneys will work tirelessly to recover the financial compensation you deserve.
Why You Should Choose Dolman Law Group

Dolman Law Group is a nationally recognized personal injury law firm. Our personal injury lawyers have 130+ years of combined experience. We have recovered over $400 million on behalf of serious injury victims. Our firm is involved in some of the most prominent litigation, ranging from Uber sexual assault lawsuits to hair relaxer litigation. Further, we have the financial resources to handle a wide array of firefighting foam cases. In fact, our lawyers are experienced in handling product liability cases in both state and federal courts.
If you or a loved one have developed cancer following exposure to AFFF firefighting foam, please call us for a free consultation today at 866-416-1344 or fill out a contact form online.
The Dolman Law Group works with local counsel in any jurisdiction outside Florida to file lawsuits in jurisdictions where we are not licensed. Thus, we will follow each State’s ethical rules to ensure a local attorney is involved.