Doral Rear End Car Accident Collision Injury Lawyer

Doral Rear End Car Accident Collision Injury Lawyer


When an accident occurs, it can be devastating to your life. When you go out for the day, you don’t expect to get into an accident. It’s especially difficult if the accident occurs as a result of someone rear ending you. A rear-end accident can throw you quite hard and can cause a lot of damage. 

You may choose to get advice from a Doral rear-end car accident collision injury lawyer as one of the first steps in recovering damages for your injuries. Doral rear end car accident collision injury lawyers can help you negotiate with third parties and get a fair settlement. They understand the legal process and are equipped to manage the process for you.

Rear-End Accident Stats

There are many vehicle accidents that occur every year. In 2018, there were 36,560 fatalities that occurred due to a vehicle accident. With approximately six million accidents happening a year, it’s not surprising that many result in a death. On top of that, numerous other accidents result in injuries. How common are rear-end accidents? According to the data, of the fatalities mentioned, about 2,456 were a result of a rear-end accident. Many more injuries occur from a rear-end accident.

Rear-End Collision Causes

What causes rear-end collisions? While there are a variety of different reasons that could lead to this type of accident, here are a few of the top causes:

  • Distracted driving: Distracted driving tends to be a top cause for many types of vehicle accidents. In only a few seconds of time with your eyes off the road, you can rear end someone.
  • Impaired driving: Driving under the influence is another reason many rear-end accidents occur. People misjudge the distance between them and the next vehicle or they don’t have as good of a reaction time because of the impairment.
  • Speeding: When you are speeding, you don’t have the type of control you need to slow down if needed. Also, the accident can be much worse if you’re going over the speed limit. According to the NHTSA, 9,378 people died from a speeding-related accident in 2018.

Common Injuries When Getting into a Rear-End Collision

When you get hit in the back of your car by another vehicle, the injuries can be substantial. Your car may take quite a beating and your body might too. Your injuries may require you to stay in a hospital for several days. Even if you don’t go into the hospital, you may be in pain for a long time as you recover. Some of the injuries you may incur include:

  • Whiplash and neck injury
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Concussion or other head injury
  • Broken bones
  • Amputation
  • Internal bleeding
  • Deep wounds
  • Burns or lacerations
  • Loss of life

Recoverable Monetary Damages from a Rear-End Collision

Florida law allows you to collect economic and non-economic damages for your injuries. Whether you have physical injuries, property damage, or pain and suffering, a Doral rear-end car accident collision injury lawyer can file a claim to help you recover the damages. Some of the recoverable damages you may have include:

  • Hospital, doctors, and other medical supplies
  • Loss of wages from being out of work
  • Reduced earning capacity due to disfigurement or disability
  • Mental anguish and pain and suffering
  • Loss of pleasure
  • Loss of consortium

Wrongful Death Cases in a Rear-End Collision

In some situations, a rear-end accident may lead to the loss of a loved one. In Florida, the statute §768.19 allows for filing of a wrongful death suit. However, Florida requires a personal representative to file the suit. This representative is sometimes called an executor of the deceased person’s estate. The personal representative doesn’t keep the money; they will then distribute it to the proper family members, such as the spouse and children.

The damages the representative can collect are listed under Florida statute §768.20. What you can collect are as follows:

  • Medical and funeral expenses
  • Loss of the services the deceased person provided to the family
  • Loss of companionship and protection from the deceased person
  • Mental pain and suffering
  • Lost income, benefits, and other earnings from the time of injury to the time of death

Statute of Limitations

Florida, just as every other state, has a statute of limitations for personal injury and wrongful death cases. The statute for personal injury is found in section 768.73, and it states that you have up to four years from the date of the accident to file the claim. For a wrongful death case, you have up to two years from the date of the death to file a claim.

Attorney’s Role

Trying to deal with a personal injury case after an accident is difficult and can feel overwhelming. A Doral rear end car accident collision injury lawyer can assist you with all the various tasks that need to be completed to recover your damages. A rear-end collision is a serious situation, and you need time to focus on healing. An attorney will manage all the paperwork and communications, some of the tasks may include:

  • Talk to eyewitnesses
  • Gather evidence
  • Review medical records 
  • Calculate damages
  • Negotiate a fair settlement
  • Go to trial if needed

Hire a Doral Rear End Collision Lawyer

Don’t let a rear-end accident ruin your day or let the bills pile up. Take action by getting advice from one of the Doral rear end car accident collision injury lawyers at the Dolman Law Group. Contact us today for an appointment to discuss your case and obtain a free case evaluation.

Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA
8400 NW 36th St Suite 450
Doral, FL 33166
(305) 930-7688


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