You may automatically turn to your insurance company when you suffer severe property damage, whether due to a natural disaster, a fire, or vandalism. After all, you purchased insurance coverage to help you manage the cost of repairs when just that type of damage occurred.
Unfortunately, insurance companies often will not make the claim process flow as smoothly as you might have hoped. You may find yourself with a claim denial, a delayed claim process, or an offer that does not fully acknowledge the damages you sustained and the cost of repairs.
Now what? Working with a Cocoa Beach property damage attorney gives you a better idea of the compensation you should reasonably expect for those damages and help you fight to get that vital compensation. If you suffered property damage in Cocoa Beach, contact Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, today to discuss your property damage claim, your right to compensation, and how to move forward.
Table of Contents
- Get Help with Your Cocoa Beach Property Damage Claim with Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA
- Understanding Your Coverage: Cocoa Beach Property Damage Claims and Insurance
- Disasters in Cocoa Beach That Often Lead to Property Damage Claims
- Dealing With the Insurance Company After Property Damage in Cocoa Beach
- Cocoa Beach Property Damage FAQs
- Get Help With Your Cocoa Beach Property Damage Claim Today
Get Help with Your Cocoa Beach Property Damage Claim with Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA
Did you suffer significant property damage in Cocoa Beach? Do you have questions about your property damage claim, including how you can get reasonable compensation for those damages instead of fighting to get the insurance company to take you seriously?
At Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, we have extensive experience dealing with many property damage claims. We bring that experience to every claim we work with.
We Help You Calculate the Losses You Have Sustained and Listen to Your Story
After major property damage or disaster, each person’s story looks different from anyone else’s. Some people may be able to live in their homes while dealing with repairs. Others may have such extensive damage that they cannot. You may have special concerns, including ongoing health problems, that make living outside your home during repairs very difficult, or you may find yourself unable to do business while repairs are continuing on your commercial property.
At Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, we want to hear your story and how the damage to your property has impacted you. We want our clients to feel heard and supported throughout the claim process.
We Help Aggressively Pursue the Compensation Our Clients Deserve
You do not want to work with a law firm that simply exists as a settlement mill, churning out claims as fast as possible. Instead, you want a law firm that will stand squarely on your side, fighting to help you get the full compensation you may deserve for the damages to your property. We do not hesitate to take any claim to court if our clients need that support to get the compensation they deserve for those damages.
We Offer Accessible Legal Support During Your Property Damage Claim
With law offices along both Florida coasts, at Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, we aim to make it as easy as possible for clients who need our services to get in touch with us. We have multiple locations throughout Florida and the country, making it much easier for our clients to get into the office. Furthermore, we offer virtual consultations, so you can connect with us online if you cannot get to our offices in person.
Did you suffer significant property damage in Cocoa Beach? Do you need help managing your Cocoa Beach property damage claim? Contact Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA.
Understanding Your Coverage: Cocoa Beach Property Damage Claims and Insurance
If someone else’s negligence causes damage to your property, you may find yourself pursuing compensation by turning to that party’s insurance company. In most cases of property damage, however, you will turn to your insurance company and the coverage you chose when selecting your policy. The coverage you have may depend on the specific terms of that policy.
Vehicle Insurance Coverage
After a motor vehicle accident, if someone else’s negligence causes the accident, you may have the right to file a claim with that driver’s insurance company for the damage to your vehicle. However, you may need to use your coverage in many other circumstances.
You Caused the Accident
If you caused the accident, you might not have the right to use the other driver’s insurance for any compensation, including compensation for the damage to your vehicle.
Instead, you might choose to use your collision insurance, which would allow you to cover the cost of repairs. If you have a loan on your vehicle, the lender may require you to carry collision insurance so that you can repair or replace the vehicle if an accident occurs.
The Driver That Caused the Accident Does Not Have Insurance
Florida law requires drivers to show that they have liability insurance before they can register the vehicle. However, as many as 20 percent of Florida drivers do not carry auto insurance.
If you get into an accident with a driver who does not carry insurance, you may need to use your personal insurance, under your uninsured motorist coverage, to receive compensation for the damage to your vehicle. Uninsured motorist coverage generally adds relatively little overall cost to your policy. Still, it can make a big difference in the compensation you can recover if you get into an accident with an uninsured driver.
The Driver That Caused Your Accident Does Not Carry Adequate Insurance
Suppose you drive a vehicle that exceeds the minimum liability coverage of $10,000. In that case, you may need to carry underinsured motorist coverage, which will provide financial assistance if you get into an accident with a driver who does not carry enough insurance to allow you to take care of repairs to your vehicle. Underinsured motorist coverage generally provides coverage for repair costs over the amount of the liable driver’s coverage.
Vehicle Damage Occurs Outside of a Collision
Vehicle damage can occur in several ways that have nothing to do with a collision. You can suffer damage to your vehicle because of falling limbs, storm damage, vandalism, or theft, all of which can lead to significant financial loss as you struggle to take care of repairs. If you carry comprehensive insurance, that insurance coverage may provide assistance with repairs to your vehicles under those circumstances.
Property Owners Insurance
If you own and live in a dwelling, you will generally carry homeowners insurance: coverage that will protect both damages to your home and damage to the contents of your home. Homeowner’s insurance can prove essential to receiving compensation when a storm blows through Cocoa Beach, knocking off shingles and damaging windows. It can also help with the costs of other known repairs.
If you own the property but someone else lives in it, you may carry a policy covering the cost of structural damage. That policy can help manage any needed repairs but will not provide compensation for any damage to the property’s contents.
Renters Insurance
When you do not own the property where you live but still want coverage for damage to your personal property, you may need to carry renters insurance. Renters insurance provides no assistance to damage to the building itself but will provide coverage for damage to the property’s contents.
Disasters in Cocoa Beach That Often Lead to Property Damage Claims

Life in Cocoa Beach often means enjoying all the best of living on the water, including swimming, fishing, and surfing. However, it can also mean that you may face a higher risk of some dangers.
Hurricanes and Tropical Storms
Residents of Cocoa Beach live in a high-risk area for hurricanes and tropical storms. As a result, residents must prepare themselves to deal with that potential damage, including checking their insurance coverage to ensure that they have what they need in the event a natural disaster strikes. Hurricanes and tropical storms can cause serious issues for many property owners.
They may result in damaged roofs, windows, and siding on the house. Cocoa Beach residents may also suffer substantial water damage to the interior of their homes during a hurricane or tropical storm.
Cocoa Beach has two clear flood zones based on elevation, soil content, and information about historical flood events. Cocoa Beach sees most of its flooding due to storm surge events but can also see floods due to heavy rainfall and other challenges. Floods can cause immense damage to many types of property. Not only can a flood cause a property to sweep away altogether, but it can also cause water to rise inside and outside the home.
In many cases, flood damage will lead to structural challenges and problems inside the building. Flood damage may also cause substantial problems with electricity and items inside the home, including electronics, artwork, and collectibles.
Because of the risk of brush fires around Cocoa Beach, the city does not permit fires on the beach or throughout the city during the dry season. Unfortunately, fires can break out for other reasons, from careless tourists to wiring problems in the home. A fire can cause devastating damage to properties throughout Cocoa Beach.
Fire victims have to deal with damage caused by flames and smoke, and they may also have to deal with substantial water damage to the property as the fire department arrives to put out those flames. Furthermore, if cleanup does not take place in a timely manner, it takes little time for mold damage to set in.
Theft and Vandalism
Thieves and vandals often strike without warning. Unfortunately, they may cause substantial damage to your home and property. Thieves may make off with the property entirely, while vandals may simply seem to cause damage without rhyme or reason. Keep in mind that you may need to have specific insurance coverage for certain types of items, including expensive jewelry or artwork.
Dealing With the Insurance Company After Property Damage in Cocoa Beach
Following property damage in Cocoa Beach, you may assume that your insurance company will take care of the cost of repairs. Unfortunately, in many cases, the insurance company may not prove so easy to deal with.
You may find yourself struggling to deal with several potential challenges.
- You may have coverage for your property repairs denied. The insurance company may deny your claim for several reasons, including denying the claim because you do not have adequate coverage for a specific type of event.
- You may not receive adequate coverage for the damage to your property, including adequate coverage to cover the full cost of repairs due to a disaster.
- The insurance company may pressure you to accept a low offer without considering what it will take to repair your home or property.
- You may have difficulty getting the insurance company to communicate with you or answer your questions, which can delay repairs.
Trying to handle those issues with the insurance company can leave you incredibly frustrated and may ultimately mean you do not get the full compensation you deserve.
At Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, we have the resources necessary to take on those complicated claims, deal with the insurance company, and increase the odds that you will get the compensation you deserve.
Cocoa Beach Property Damage FAQs
If you have questions about property damage claims in Cocoa Beach, check out the FAQ below to learn more. Do you have specific questions about your claim? An experienced Cocoa Beach property damage lawyer at Dolman Law Group can provide you with the individualized answers and support you need.
You purchased insurance coverage. You may even have reviewed your coverage to ensure it included everything you needed. So why did your claim get denied? Dealing with a claim denial can sap your energy and leave you incredibly frustrated with the insurance company. Why did your claim get denied?
You Do Not Have Coverage for the Specific Type of Damage That Occurred to Your Property
Suppose, for example, that a tree falls on your car. If you have collision insurance but not comprehensive coverage, your coverage may not provide compensation for the damage to your vehicle. Likewise, if you do not have flood damage on your home, many insurance policies will not cover damage caused by flooding, particularly in Cocoa Beach, with its high risk of flood and hurricane damage.
However, in many cases, your insurance policy will have some riders that may offer coverage for the damage to your property. While you may not get all the coverage you had hoped for, a lawyer can help identify areas where you might get compensation for those damages, making it easier for you to file a claim.
You Did Not Fill out the Paperwork Correctly
In some cases, when you put together your property damage claim, you may miss vital paperwork or fail to answer questions that could offer essential insight about your claim. Your insurance company may also have very specific requirements about what paperwork to send in, including particular estimates regarding the items you need to take care of. If you fail to submit all that information, the insurance company may deny your claim due to a lack of the data the company needs to make its decision.
You Did Not Provide Adequate Documentation of the Damage Your Property Suffered
To put together your property damage claim, you will need to submit evidence about the damage. You may need, for example, to take photos of the specific damage to your property. Those photos are essential to putting together your claim and showing the losses you experienced because of the damaging event.
However, the insurance company may refuse to accept your claim and pay for those damages if you do not provide that documentation.
You Did Not Take Preventative Measures to Protect Against Further Damage
Your insurance company does not want you to take care of repairs before its adjuster can come out and look at your property. However, you may need to take measures that can help protect your property against further damage. If you do not take those steps, the insurance company may claim that you did not do your part to prevent that damage.
The Insurance Company Feels You Did Not Accurately Assess the Damage to Your Property
Often, you and the insurance company will have very different ideas of what compensation you should receive for repairs to your property. The insurance company may, for example, want to take care of only the bare minimum it will take to restore your property. You may not have coverage for upgrades or changes to your property, but you should have coverage that will allow you to take care of returning your property to its former state.
Any time you have your insurance claim denied, talk to a lawyer about the reasons for that claim denial. In many cases, a lawyer can help you find ways to increase your coverage and get your claim approved.
As a Cocoa Beach resident, you may already have a plan in place for dealing with a hurricane or tropical storm, including how you will manage a property damage claim. However, in the aftermath of that disaster, things may look different than anticipated. Not only do you have extensive repairs to take care of, but you may also need to do your best to protect your right to file a claim with the insurance company.
Take Photos of the Damage to Your Property as Soon as Possible
You may need extensive documentation to help lay out what damage your property sustained. Taking photos can help provide a clear account of the damage. Take general photos of the broader damage to the property as well as closer, more specific images of the damage to specific items.
Start the Claim Process With Your Insurance Company as Soon as Possible
The sooner you get in touch with your insurance company, the sooner the insurance company can start processing your claim. Ultimately, the sooner you will likely get the compensation you need for damaged items. If you delay contacting the insurance company, your property may also suffer more damage, and the insurance company may place liability for that damage at your door.
Take Any Steps Needed to Protect Your Property Against Further Damage
You may need to wait to hear back from the insurance company before you actually start repairs on your property since the insurance company may want to come out and take its own photos or conduct its own evaluation of the property. However, you should take steps to protect your property against further damage as soon as you can. If you allow further damage to your property due to your own negligence, the insurance company may refuse to cover that additional damage.
Contact a Lawyer to Discuss Your Rights
Get in touch with a lawyer as soon after the damaging event as possible so that you can discuss your insurance policy and what coverage you have. Your lawyer may provide vital insights into what type of coverage your plan may have for alternative lodging if you cannot use your home.
If the insurance company denies your initial property damage claim in Cocoa Beach, do not panic. You may still have the right to compensation for the damage to your property, and you can still seek coverage. Contact a lawyer as soon as possible to learn more about your rights and how you can appeal a claim denial.
Florida law sets strict limits on how long an insurance company can take to process a property damage claim. The insurance company has 14 days after you report the damage to acknowledge that it has received your claim and started processing.
Then, within 90 days, the insurance company must either:
- Deny your claim
- Deny part of your claim
- Provide the funds for any portion of the claim accepted by the insurance company
The law does allow provision for challenges outside the insurance company’s control, such as an extended investigation into the events that led to the damage to your property. However, in most cases, you should have clear information about your claim during that timeframe.
Receiving compensation for the damage to your property can be a hassle. In many cases, the insurance company will throw challenges your way, making it much more difficult to get the compensation you deserve for the damage to your property.
Contact a lawyer as soon as you can lawyer to help with your claim.
Your Insurance Company Denies Your Claim
A claim denial does not have to represent the end of your quest for compensation. In many cases, by working with a lawyer, you can appeal that denial and get the compensation you need for the damage to your property. However, if you do not act quickly, getting compensation for severe property damage can make it much more difficult.
The Insurance Company Sends You a Lowball Offer
When you get a low offer from the insurance company, you may have no idea how to handle it. If the insurance company approves your claim and you accept that offer, you may get only a fraction of the compensation you need for repairs to your property. Talk to a lawyer to learn more if you get a lowball offer.
The Insurance Company Delays Processing Your Claim
Dealing with claim delays can prove incredibly frustrating, especially when you need to get back to using your property as soon as possible. A lawyer can help streamline the claim process and ensure the insurance company follows the law in processing your claim.
Do You Have Questions About Your Coverage or Your Claim?
When you have questions about what coverage you actually have or the property damage claim process, working with a lawyer can help provide you with essential answers to those claims. A lawyer can make sure you understand the full terms of your policy and the compensation you really deserve, which can make it easier for you to get everything you deserve.
An insurance claim does not have to prove difficult. In some cases, your claim proceeds in a relatively straightforward manner, quickly getting you the compensation you deserve. However, when it does not, working with a lawyer can provide you with more insights into what compensation you really deserve based on the terms of your policy.
Contractor differences can pose a substantial problem when dealing with major property damage. Often, the insurance company may work with outdated information, or its estimate might not include all the potential costs of repairs.
If you have trouble getting the insurance company to match the estimates you have received from a contractor, you may need a lawyer to help you assert your rights and increase the odds that you will get the total compensation you need based on the terms of your policy.
Keep in mind that your unique policy limits may determine how much coverage you can ultimately claim, which may not have anything to do with your contractor’s estimate. Also, remember that your policy will likely include a deductible, which you will need to pay.
Unfortunately, many people struggle with the realization that they did not purchase adequate insurance coverage in the event of a disaster, especially as property prices have increased since the purchase of the home. The realization that you do not have adequate insurance often comes too late. If you discover that your policy does not offer adequate property damage protection, you may want to have your lawyer review your policy.
While you cannot retroactively increase your coverage, even by working with a lawyer, a lawyer can help identify any potential coverage you may have, including all riders and additions to your policy. By using all the coverage offered by your policy, you can come closer to managing the full cost of repairs.
Get Help With Your Cocoa Beach Property Damage Claim Today
When you deal with a property damage claim on your own, it can ultimately leave you without the compensation you really deserve for the many losses you may have sustained. Let a lawyer guide you through the process, increasing the compensation you can recover and making it easier for you to get the help you need.
With offices across both Florida coasts, including Cocoa Beach, you can easily reach Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, at (321) 456-9379 or write to us using our online contact page.