Orlando Omegle Lawsuit Lawyer

April 6, 2022 | Attorney, Matthew Dolman

Social media apps present an opportunity to interact, learn, and connect with people worldwide. Unfortunately, social media use has as many disadvantages as benefits, especially with an app like Omegle.

If an Omegle user has victimized you, you can work with an Orlando Omegle lawsuit lawyer to get the help you deserve.

What Is Omegle and How does It Work?

Omegle, created in 2009, is an app that instantly connects you to random strangers in a chat room where you communicate through video or text. The difference between Omegle and other social media apps is that you don't need to add your phone number or verified email address.

Instead, Omegle is entirely free of any registration requirements. The only safety precautions that the app utilizes are user anonymity and the ability to stop a chat at any time.

Even though Omegle has a general requirement that users be at least 18 years, users as young as 13 years can still use the app with parental supervision. The reality is that parents are often not aware of their children's social media usage, even with apps like Omegle. When a teenager connects with a stranger with unknown intentions, the situation can quickly turn disastrous.

Orlando Residents and Safety Concerns for Omegle

Even though Omegle was founded over a decade ago, its popularity has recently risen partly due to the pandemic. As physical interactions were restricted and social media influencers discussed the app on TikTok; users flocked to the platform.

Unfortunately, many children use it. Because of the app's loopholes in safety measurements, several safety concerns arise with the app. Some of these include:

Exposure to Sexual Content

Omegle doesn't have enough use restrictions to guarantee minors don't interact with adults. It also does not have any content monitoring precautions, which means children are at risk of consuming sexual content through pre-recorded videos and inappropriate interactions with adults.

Risk of Predation

With the app's user anonymity policy, it is easy for adults of any background to join the app, including sexual predators and traffickers. When an adult connects with a minor on such an app, they can easily:

  • Manipulate them
  • Ask for sexual favors
  • Seek contact information
  • Try to initiate real-life relationships with them

Security Threats

It's not uncommon to find swindlers and con artists on any social media app. Still, Omegle's user anonymity and lack of profile requirements make it easier for scammers to exploit unsuspecting users into sharing account details, passwords, and other personal information.

Recording Risks

Even though the app promises anonymity, there are different ways a stranger could record a conversation without consent. First, they could download third-party recording software to their device before starting conversations, or they can screen record through the actual device or another strategically placed device.


Children might not have the mental strength to disregard a stranger's opinions on their looks or behavior. When using Omegle, strangers could bully your child, leading to mental health problems or ideas of self-harm.

How Can an Omegle Lawsuit Lawyer Help?

As you can tell from the safety concerns discussed above, it's easy to fall victim to con artists, sexual predators, and traffickers on Omegle. But, the good news is that, as the victim of assault or another Omegle's stranger manipulative tactics, you could have a legal option to file a lawsuit to pursue compensation and hold scammers and sexual abusers to account. Here's how a lawyer can help with your case.

Case Analysis

The most significant benefit of hiring an Omegle lawsuit lawyer is that they will help you understand all the requirements to file such a lawsuit. They will also consider all the circumstances surrounding your case and advise you on the best possible legal options.

Remember that Omegle is an anonymous user application. For this reason, you need a lawyer's investigative skills and knowledge to ensure you have solid ground for a lawsuit.

Proving Liability

Every Omegle case is different. Depending on the unique circumstances of your case, there could be several liable parties. Working with a lawyer raises your chances of accurately determining who is responsible and to what extent. Additionally, your lawyer is in a better position to decide whether the company is liable for your case because they fail to implement sufficient safety measures.

Determining the Lawsuit's Value

If you or your child are victims of Omegle abuse, you could have incurred costs towards pursuing the abuser, medical costs, pain and suffering, and other damages. Your Omegle lawsuit lawyer will consider all economic and non-economic costs when accurately valuating your lawsuit before proceeding to the negotiation stage.

Negotiating With the Insurance Company

Even though an Omegle assault or abuse case is likely to go to court, Omegle may initiate settlement negotiations with your lawyer. If this happens, a lawyer will:

  • Take the lead in all discussions
  • Know what evidence to present
  • Lay the ground for proper compensation for your damages and injuries

Your lawyer has experience dealing with insurance companies. They also know what your case is worth and will not fall for any attempts to cheat you out of a fair compensation amount. Other advantages of working with an Omegle lawsuit lawyer for your case include:

  • Gathering proper evidence to create a solid case
  • Assistance in filing the appropriate legal documents on time
  • Additional insights on helpful options for your case
  • Representing you in court

Work With Dolman Law Group

If you are a victim of exploitation or sexual abuse through Omegle, contact Dolman Law Group for legal assistance. We offer responsive legal care and are always open to address all your legal concerns. Additionally, we respond to calls and emails on time and give frequent case updates.

If you work with our personal injury lawsuit, you can be confident that we will fight to get you the compensation and justice you need. Contact us today for a consultation to learn the best available options for your Omegle case.

Orlando Office
1701 Park Center Drive, Suite #240-G
Orlando, FL 32835
Phone: (407) 759-4565


Matthew Dolman

Personal Injury Lawyer

This article was written and reviewed by Matthew Dolman. Matt has been a practicing civil trial, personal injury, products liability, and mass tort lawyer since 2004. He has successfully fought for more than 11,000 injured clients and acted as lead counsel in more than 1,000 lawsuits. Always on the cutting edge of personal injury law, Matt is actively engaged in complex legal matters, including Suboxone, AFFF, and Ozempic lawsuits.  Matt is a lifetime member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum and Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum for resolving individual cases in excess of $1 million and $2 million, respectively. He has also been selected by his colleagues as a Florida Superlawyer and as a member of Florida’s Legal Elite on multiple occasions. Further, Matt has been quoted in the media numerous times and is a sought-after speaker on a variety of legal issues and topics.

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