​What Do I Do If the Insurance Company Denies My Property Damage Claim?

Florida Insurance Claims Lawyer


As someone who holds an insurance policy, you expect it to cover your losses following a serious event. You pay premiums on a regular basis for that comfort. But sometimes, the insurer doesn’t uphold its end of the bargain, and you have to fight for what you deserve. 

If you’re struggling with a Florida insurance claim, a lawyer from our team will advocate for what you need. Our lawyers will negotiate for what you deserve, protect you from bad faith insurance practices, and calculate your losses. Exploring your options begins with a free case review from Dolman Law Group. 

You Have Rights as a Policyholder Under the Law

Florida Statutes § 624.155 notes that insurance companies must: 

  • Attempt to settle claims in good faith 
  • Keep claims moving along 
  • Uphold the promises made in a specific policy 
  • Give a written reason why a claim is denied 

If an insurance company doesn’t uphold its obligation to a policyholder, it could face legal consequences. Your Florida insurance claims lawyer will protect your rights and stand between you and any unfair entities. 

We Will Protect You Against These Bad Faith Insurance Practices

Right now, you may be unsure about hiring a lawyer. However, if you’re facing any of the following measures, hiring our team could benefit you: 

The Insurer Contacts You Immediately After Getting Hurt

This strategy is often used in personal injury cases. The insurance company will reach out to you soon after your injury. It knows that at this time, you are still processing the event and vulnerable.

You may not have a lawyer yet by that time – and the insurer’s hoping you don’t. It hopes that you’ll be eager to settle your case and accept less than you’re owed. Remember: once you accept compensation, your case ends, and the insurer is freed of further liability. 

When you partner with an attorney, however, they can calculate your case’s value and fight for what you need. 

The Insurance Company Unnecessarily Drags Out Your Case

Even though your bills are piling up, the insurance company only cares about its bottom line. So, it may do everything possible to delay your case, hoping that you’ll lose patience and settle for less than you need – or drop the claim altogether. 

Some of these techniques include:

  • “Losing” important paperwork 
  • Passing your claim from adjuster to adjuster 
  • Not answering your phone calls or emails 
  • Claiming that your policy has lapsed 

Our lawyers have over 120 years of combined legal experience. We know a bad faith insurance practice when we see one. You can trust that with our team on your side, we’ll fight for everything you need and deserve. 

The Claims Adjuster Lies to You

This is one of the most common bad faith insurance practices. The claims adjuster may say a low offer is “the best” they can do. They might even say that you filed your claim too late, despite information to the contrary. 

Our team doesn’t have patience for liars. If the insurance company or its representatives treat you with disrespect, we’re ready to advocate for you. We will do everything possible to compel the insurance company to pay what you’re owed. 

What You Can Expect from Your Insurance Claims Lawyer in Florida

When you partner with Dolman Law Group, you can expect your lawyer to: 

Represent You on a Contingency-Fee Basis

To get our team’s help, you don’t have to pay anything out of pocket. We work on contingency. You only pay for our help if we win compensation for you. You don’t have to worry about hidden costs, hourly rates, or retainers. All you have to focus on is your personal well-being. 

Gather Information To Support Your Claim

The insurance company may request supporting information to verify your claim. These items can be difficult to obtain if you’re struggling with serious injuries or dealing with excessive property damage. Yet, your lawyer can gather: 

  • Photos of your injuries or property damage
  • Invoices, receipts, and billing statements related to your covered losses 
  • Your information as a policyholder 
  • Any written communications between yourself and the claims adjuster 

With the information we find, we will assert that you’re entitled to coverage from the liable insurance policy. 

Determine the Value of Your Losses

You want compensation for everything you deserve. To help recover what you need, we will determine the cost of these items: 

  • Medical bills
  • Property damage costs
  • Lost income
  • Non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering (if applicable)

Manage All Communications

Once you hire a lawyer, the insurance company has to go through them. The insurer cannot harass you with phone calls, emails, or other communications. You can trust that our team will manage all dealings with the insurance company. 

What Should I Do Now?

If you’re having a hard time getting compensation through an insurance settlement, we encourage you to consider legal help. As noted, our team will do everything necessary to resolve your case. We also recommend that you: 

  • Refrain from sharing information about your case online 
  • Field any insurance-related matters to your lawyer 
  • Document your losses 
  • Review the applicable policy (if you have it) 
  • Think twice about accepting a settlement offer 
  • Take measures to keep your property’s damage from getting worse (if applicable)
  • Seeking medical care if you suffered harm in an accident (if applicable) 

During your free case review, we can talk more about what measures could help you recover compensation. We can also discuss any questions you may have. 

If you want help settling an insurance claim, our Florida lawyers can help. You don’t have to struggle with an uncooperative insurer or its team of claims adjusters. You can partner with our team on the matter. 

To begin your free case review, connect with Dolman Law Group now. We’re ready to go the extra mile for your legal interests. 


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