​Pompano Beach Car Accident Lawyers


Car accidents happen everywhere in Pompano Beach, from the shores of Hillsborough Inlet to the inland reaches of Palm Aire. But no matter where a crash occurs in our city, it holds the potential to cause devastating injuries and severe disruption. Car accident victims in Pompano Beach frequently struggle under the burden of physical pain, emotional challenges, and extreme financial strain—all because of a crash triggered by someone else’s dangerous conduct.

If a Pompano Beach car accident injured you or someone you love, Florida law might entitle you to significant financial compensation for your losses. The experienced Pompano Beach car accident attorneys at Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, want to help. We represent car accident victims in legal actions to hold the parties responsible for car accidents accountable. Contact us today for a free case evaluation with a knowledgeable legal professional.

Table of Contents

Pompano Beach Car Accident Hotspots

Accidents can happen anywhere you drive in Pompano Beach. But by viewing crash data collected by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) State Safety Office on a map, we can see how some areas of the city pose particular dangers.

In one recent year, police reported over 280 car accidents in Pompano Beach, many of them clustered in hotspots that included:

  • The I-95/Copans Road interchange;
  • U.S. Route 1 (Federal Highway) between N.E. 14th Street and Copans Road
  • The I-95/Atlantic Boulevard Interchange;
  • Atlantic Boulevard between U.S. Route 1 and I-95; and
  • The intersection of Atlantic Boulevard and the Atlantic Boulevard Extension.

At Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, we investigate the locations of the car accidents that injure our clients to find out if they pose dangers to drivers. We believe that anyone who ignores or causes risks for Pompano Beach motorists should face accountability for the damage an accident inflicts.

Common Causes of Pompano Beach Car Accidents

A virtually limitless set of variables can trigger a car crash in Pompano Beach. Over our years of representing crash victims, however, Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, has found that many accidents involve preventable human error committed by someone other than the injured crash victim. Here are some of the most common factors contributing to the cause of accidents in Pompano Beach, for which we can seek compensation on our client’s behalf.

Impaired Driving (Alcohol and Drugs)

Like many coastal Florida cities, Pompano Beach is a haven for vacationers and sun-seekers. But the fun-loving atmosphere here also has a dark side. Despite strict laws and years of public awareness campaigns, too many motorists make the tragic, reckless decision to get behind the wheel after drinking or taking drugs. In one recent year, police logged at least 14 car accidents in Pompano Beach in which alcohol or drugs played a role.

Drunk driving is one of the nation’s leading causes of car accident fatalities. According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), on average, someone dies in a drunk driving crash every 45 minutes in the United States.

Drug-impaired driving takes a similarly devastating toll. According to the NHTSA, more than half of all drivers involved in fatal or severe injury accidents had at least one potentially impairing drug in their system.

Coming drugs or alcohol before driving interferes with driving abilities such as:

  • Attention, focus, and decision making
  • Performing multiple tasks at once
  • Responding to emergency driving situations
  • Steering and braking
  • Judging speed and distance
  • Staying in a single travel lane

At Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, we believe in holding drunk or drugged drivers in Pompano Beach accountable for the harm they cause to our clients. When possible, we also fight to hold others to account for promoting or turning a blind eye to alcohol and drug-impaired driving.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is another major cause of car accidents in Pompano Beach. According to FDOT, police logged at least 34 crashes triggered by distracted driving in the city in a recent year.

A dangerous distraction takes a driver’s eyes off the road, hands off the wheel, and/or mind off the task of operating safely. Drivers must resist distractions behind the wheel to stay accident-free on Pompano Beach roads.

Common distractions behind the wheel that can trigger an accident include:

  • Cell phone use, especially texting (which is illegal under the Florida Ban on Texting While Driving Law).
  • Eating and drinking
  • Adjusting the radio or environmental controls
  • Looking at or programming a GPS
  • Talking to passengers
  • Tending to pets
  • Daydreaming
  • Looking at something outside the vehicle other than the road ahead.

The experienced Pompano Beach car accident lawyers at Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, know how to locate and secure evidence of driver distraction, to ensure that distracted drivers pay the price for harming an innocent crash victim in Pompano Beach.

Speeding and Aggressive Driving

According to the National Safety Council (NSC), nearly one-third of all fatal car accidents in the U.S. involve speeding. Drivers who exceed a safe driving speed or engage in other aggressive driving behaviors like tailgating and dangerous passing also inflict severe injuries when they crash.

Pompano Beach is no stranger to the dangers of speeding and driving aggressively. FDOT reports numerous accidents in the city in a recent year attributed to speeding and related aggressive driving behaviors.

Speeding and driving aggressively on a street or highway in Pompano Beach risks causing a deadly car accident by:

  • Reducing a driver’s reaction time;
  • Lengthening the distance a vehicle needs to come to a safe stop;
  • Multiplying the force of the impact and the severity of injuries in a collision;
  • Reducing the life-saving effectiveness of vehicle safety features like airbags and seatbelts; and
  • Making it difficult for other motorists to maintain safe distances and time gaps in traffic.

The team at Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, has seen firsthand the toll that speeding and aggressive driving can take on South Florida roads. We fight to recover fair compensation for victims of speeding drivers.

Drowsy Driving

Like most of the country, Floridians struggle with a chronic sleep deficit. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than a third of adults in the Sunshine State get less than the recommended sleep per night. The situation is terrible in Broward County, where up to 41 percent of adults regularly get insufficient sleep.

Lack of sleep, when combined with life stress and medical conditions, can dangerously interfere with driving ability. Fatigue impairs drivers in the same way as alcohol or drug consumption. In fact, according to the CDC, drowsy driving causes tens of thousands of crashes every year.

The professionals at Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, believe drowsy driving plays a significant role in causing car accidents in Pompano Beach. It often goes unreported as an accident cause. Our team digs deep into the facts of a car accident to uncover the role that fatigue might have played and then fights to get drowsy driving accident victims fair compensation.

Non-Driver Causes of Car Accidents

While the preventable mistakes of drivers are far and away the most common cause of traffic accidents in Pompano Beach, misconduct by other parties can also trigger a deadly or harmful crash.

At Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, we have the skill and resources to hold anyone accountable for a Pompano Beach car accident, such as when a crash is caused by:

  • Defective auto parts that failed under normal use conditions, which may make the manufacturer of those parties legally liable for crash victims’ damages.
  • Improperly designed or poorly maintained roads, intersections, and other infrastructure, which can make government entities, construction contractors, or private road owners responsible for the harm to crash victims.

No matter how your car accident happened in Pompano Beach or who you think should bear the blame for it, contact us at Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, today to learn about your legal rights to compensation.

Types of Pompano Beach Car Accident Cases We Handle

Pompano Beach Car Accident Lawyer

At Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, we have experience representing clients who have suffered injuries in virtually every type of car accident. Our team can handle:

Broadside (T-bone) Accident Cases

Broadside accidents, also called side-angle accidents or T-bone collisions, occur when the front of one vehicle collides with the side of another. These accidents often occur at intersections when one driver fails to yield the right-of-way to another, such as by running a red light or stop sign. They can also happen because a government agency designed an intersection poorly or failed to maintain clear sightlines.

The Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, team understands the devastation a broadside collision can cause. We work to secure payment for our clients from all parties at fault for a T-bone accident, no matter if they’re individual drivers or large government agencies.

Head-On Collision Cases

Head-on collisions refer to accidents in which the front of one vehicle collides with the front of another.

These accidents commonly occur because of driver errors such as:

  • Unfamiliarity with Pompano Beach roads, resulting in drivers taking a wrong turn down a one-way street or highway on-ramp.
  • Drunk driving and drug-impaired driving.
  • Driver distraction, whch can lead to a vehicle drifting out of its lane into oncoming traffic.

Head-on collisions pose a high risk of causing catastrophic or fatal injuries. Our team fights to get victims of these crashes the money they dearly need to pay for their medical care and heal from their trauma.

Sideswipe Accident Cases

Sideswipes occur when the side of one vehicle collides with the side of another. They’re widespread on interstates and multi-lane roads running through Pompano Beach like I-95 and U.S. Route 1. Although the initial impact of a sideswipe typically may not damage the vehicles much, it can trigger a loss of control that leads to a more dangerous and violent head-on or broadside collision.

Sideswipes often happen because of a driver’s inattention or aggressive driving, and sometimes the at-fault driver avoids a secondary collision. The Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA team unpacks what happened in car accidents to pinpoint blame for a sideswipe. Then, we pursue the at-fault driver and others for damages.

Rollover Accident Cases

As their name suggests, rollover accidents involve a vehicle rolling onto its roof. Some rollovers collide with other vehicles. Others are single-car accidents.

Rollovers can happen when a driver must take evasive maneuvers to avoid a sudden hazard. They also sometimes occur because of a design flaw in a vehicle’s design or a defect in its parts. No matter their cause, rollovers pose a risk of extreme injury to vehicle occupants.

At Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, we never assume a rollover was the fault of the driver of the vehicle that rolled. We explore the evidence and work with accident reconstruction experts when necessary to piece together the root causes of a rollover and who should face accountability for it.

Contact an Experienced Pompano Beach Car Accident Attorney Today

Drunk Driving Accident Attorney, Matthew Dolman
Matthew Dolman, Pompano Beach Car Accident Attorney

You have potentially valuable rights to compensation as the victim of a Pompano Beach car accident. The most reliable way to take full advantage of them is to hire an experienced car accident injury attorney to investigate your crash, build your case, and fight for every last penny you deserve.

Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, has years of experience getting results for car accident victims like you. Contact us today at 833-552-7274 (833-55-CRASH) for your free, no-risk consultation about your case with a knowledgeable legal professional.

Client Testimonial

“AMAZING and understanding attorneys! Did great on my case and I highly recommend Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA for anyone that has been injured in an accident!”
Rating: 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Koralis R.
Jan 2020
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