​How Can a Tepezza Hearing Loss Lawyer Help

Tepezza Hearing Loss Lawsuit


Tepezza (generic name: teprotumumab) is an injectable prescription medication manufactured by Horizon Therapeutics PLC.

It is used to treat thyroid eye disease (TED), a painful condition in which the eye and eye tissues become inflamed.

Tepezza has recently been linked to hearing-related side effects like permanent hearing loss or tinnitus, a constant ringing in the ears.

Another common side effect or adverse reaction following Tepezza infusions is autophony—perceiving your body’s sounds to be louder than they are. 

Many other infusion reactions include muscular pain, muscle spasms, headache, dry skin, and hair loss. If you have taken Tepezza and suffered hearing loss or tinnitus, call Dolman Law Group for a free case review today.

You may be eligible for compensation through a Tepezza hearing loss lawsuit against Horizon Pharmaceuticals with the help of Dolman Law Group’s award-winning product liability attorneys.

Call our offices today at 866-804-2555 or complete a contact form on our website.

Tepezza Linked to Permanent Hearing Loss

Tepezza Hearing Loss Lawsuit

Tepezza was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2020 as a treatment for TED. It is currently the only FDA-approved treatment for this condition.

A recent study found nearly half of Tepezza users reported hearing-related issues within four infusions (treatments).

The complaints ranged from hearing loss, muffled hearing, the sensation of the ears feeling plugged, autophony (unusually loud hearing of your voice), sensorineural hearing loss (damage to hair cells of the inner ear), and tinnitus. The risks associated with this medication are much greater than Horizon Pharmaceuticals would lead you to believe.

Tepezza Lawsuit – Failure to Warn of Hearing Loss

The failure to warn patients of potentially permanent hearing loss is at the heart of Tepezza hearing loss lawsuits. If you have taken Tepezza as a thyroid eye disease treatment and suffered hearing loss, hearing-related side effects, or tinnitus, call Dolman Law Group immediately for a free consultation and free case review today.

You may be eligible for compensation through a Tepezza hearing loss lawsuit for the failure of both manufacturers and retailers to properly warn patients.

Horizon Therapeutics has been aware of this published study of new research since March 2021. However, we believe the manufacturer knew the risks of hearing loss and other hearing issues prior to the publication of this study.

Call our offices today at 866-804-2555 or complete a contact form on our website. You may be eligible for compensation through a Tepezza hearing loss lawsuit with the help of Dolman Law Group’s award-winning product liability attorneys.

Schedule A Free Consultation


Tepezza Lawsuit Update

July 2, 2024 – More Pending Cases in Early Stages of Tepezza Lawsuits

As of July 2024, 138 lawsuits concerning hearing loss allegedly caused by Tepezza are pending in multidistrict litigation (MDL).

These cases remain in the early phases, with no trials scheduled or settlements approved. However, on June 11, 2024, the court designated a pool of 12 cases to act as bellwethers.

Discovery for these cases will continue over the next several months, with four bellwether trials anticipated to occur in 2026.

July 1, 2023 – First Status Conference Held in New Multi-District Tepezza Litigation

Since forming the multi-district litigation (MDL) for all federal Tepezza cases in June, the first order of business is sorting through the procedural requirements.

An initial status hearing was held on June 28th, with Judge Thomas Durkin presiding. In addition to becoming familiar with the basics of the pending Tepezza lawsuits, Judge Durkin must also organize the litigation, establish a steering committee for the expected large number of plaintiffs, and determine how to manage the MDL going forward.

June 2, 2023 – Tepezza MDL is Created

The Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation has decided that the many Tepezza hearing loss claims should be consolidated under multi-district litigation (MDL). The MDL will be centralized in Illinois’s northern district before U.S. District Judge Thomas Durkin and will help streamline pretrial processes, including all discovery, and prevent inconsistent rulings.

May 31, 2023 – FTC Rejects Sale of Horizon Therapeutics

An attempt by Amgen to acquire Horizon Therapeutics has been stopped by a lawsuit filed by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The FTC argues that the $27.8 billion acquisition would give Amgen a monopoly over treatment for certain conditions.

May 11, 2023 – Horizon Resists MDL Formation

Horizon Therapeutics has attempted to stop the formation of a Tepezza MDL by filing a motion opposing the consolidation of Tepezza claims. In their claim, Horizon argues that an MDL is not necessary since there are not enough pending claims, and they expect there will likely not be many more filed. Contrary to Horizon’s claim, the number of Tepezza lawsuits filed continues to increase.

April 14, 2023 – Tepezza May Reach More Patients Despite Dangers

Horizon Therapeutics announced new FDA approval of new language for Tepezza that allows more patients’ access to Tepezza despite the rising number of product liability claims involving the drug.

April 13, 2023 – Tepezza Victims Request the Formation of Multi-District Litigation

A motion has been filed with the Judicial Panel on Multi-district Litigation (JPML) to seek the consolidation of hearing loss Tepezza lawsuits into a class action lawsuit. The motion lists 18 pending Tepezza lawsuits from five different federal districts that would be consolidated into a multidistrict litigation (MDL) based in the Northern District of California if granted.

April 6, 2023 – 18 Pending Tepezza Lawsuits Face Motion to Dismiss 

38 Tepezza hearing loss lawsuits have been filed in federal courts throughout the U.S. as of date.  There is still a pending motion to dismiss a lawsuit based on federal preemption that has yet to be decided.  This motion could have an impact on each and every pending Tepezza lawsuit.

March 16, 2023 –  Scientific Link Between Tepezza Use and Hearing Loss Established

A new study entitled Reduction of Teprotumumab-Induced Hearing Loss With Comparable Efficacy Using Half-Dose Therapy illustrates a direct link between the use of Tepezza and hearing loss.  Further, the study may also indicate a dose-dependent response to this thyroid eye disease medication.

March 12, 2023 – Growing Number of Tepezza Lawsuits Should Be Consolidated  

There have been 32 Tepezza lawsuits filed in federal courts throughout the U.S.  We anticipate that plaintiffs will inevitably petition the Joint Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (JPML) to consolidate all Tepezza lawsuits in one jurisdiction before a single judge in a process known as Multidistrict Litigation (MDL).  The purpose of an MDL is to streamline discovery and the entire litigation process. 

February 20, 2023 –  Horizon Argues that Federal Preemption Requires Case Dismissal

Horizon Therapeutics filed a motion to dismiss a recent Tepezza lawsuit wherein the plaintiff claimed use of this thyroid eye disease medication resulted in permanent hearing loss.  Horizon argues that the plaintiff’s claims are preempted by federal law as they failed to illustrate that the defendant could have added warnings to the medication’s label.  Further, Horizon argues they could not have unilaterally added such a warning without FDA approval.   

Additionally, Horizon Therapeutics contends that the plaintiff’s design defect arguments are similarly preempted by federal law, which bans any change to the formulation of a medication without FDA approval.  Keep in mind the preemption argument is raised by the defense in nearly every product liability failure to warn claim involving a medication.  Preemption arguments rarely succeed, however, as seen in a recent similar decision in the Tylenol autism lawsuit

Study Finds 65% Risk Permanent Hearing Loss from Tepezza

In March 2021, the Endocrine Society announced that 65% of patients had reported some hearing loss after using Tepezza, and some of the damage was permanent. The study involved 26 patients who had received four Tepezza treatments (one infusion is usually administered every three weeks for eight total treatments). Of those patients, 77% reported that they had never had an auditory impairment (hearing loss or otherwise) previously.

Tepezza-related hearing loss and related issues (tinnitus — ringing in the ears) have received attention in the medical community for some time since the publication of the “Endocrine Society” study. However, Tepezza is still being marketed and sold via prescription. In fact, we are seeing more Tepezza commercials now than ever before.

Horizon Releases Post-Marketing Research on Potential Side Effects of Tepezza

Manufacturers of Tepezza have concluded a 19-month study monitoring patients’ side effects due to the drug. Their findings, published in February 2022, concluded that 9.5% of patients experienced hearing-related adverse symptoms. However, they claim that this percentage is consistent with clinical trials prior to its FDA approval.

Tepezza Hearing Loss Symptoms

The main symptoms (subjective otologic symptoms) recorded in the Tepezza study were:

  • ringing in the ears (38%)
  • ear pain (27%)
  • subjective hearing loss (22%)
  • the feeling of plugged ears (12%)
  • and the sensation that their own voices were louder.

Three patients developed a long-lasting hearing problem called patulous eustachian tube – a disease that causes the channels between the ears, nose, and throat to be closed. This also results in acute hearing loss and tinnitus.

Previously, Horizon Therapeutics, the maker of Tepezza, had done their own studies and warned that 10% of patients may experience hearing problems based on clinical trials conducted. But now, this new FDA-backed study suggests that the percentage is obviously much higher.

Thyroid Eye Disease Drug Causes Hearing Loss

Patients that take Tepezza are already facing eyesight-related issues (blurred vision) due to their thyroid eye disease. Now, they may be going deaf too. Imagine trading one sensory issue (thyroid eye disease) for another (hearing loss).

These are the most common side effects experienced by patients who are having hearing-related problems from Tepezza:

  • Eustachian tube dysfunction (a disorder that causes pressure abnormalities in the middle ear)
  • Hyperacusis (a hearing disorder that causes sensitivity to sound)
  • Partial loss of hearing
  • Increased sensitivity to sound (hyperacusis)
  • Autophony (defined by hearing your own voice as too loud or echoing)
  • Permanent loss of hearing
  • Ringing in the ear (tinnitus)

What Compensation Can You Request for the Harm Caused by Tepezza Hearing Loss?

Having any of your senses impaired can cause considerable damage to various aspects of your life. Even partial impairment can influence your career, relationships, mental health, and general quality of life. Tepezza is intended to improve someone’s health, so when it ends up causing hearing problems, one can feel especially betrayed since we all put a significant amount of trust in pharmaceuticals. An individual treating thyroid eye disease should never suffer hearing loss.

Potential Damages in a Tepezza Lawsuit

The negative effects on one’s life caused by Tapezza hearing loss or other related issues are often considered damages in a civil lawsuit. Damages are economic and non-economic losses generated by an injury. Injured consumers can seek financial compensation for these losses by filing a lawsuit. Tepezza’s potentially harmful effects may result in significant losses because they can be permanent and influence almost every aspect of a person’s life as a result of permanent hearing damage.

Tepezza Hearing Injury Economic Damages

In economic terms, the damages inflicted by Tepezza are pervasive and severe. For many, the ability to hear properly is not only important to their ability to perform their job but an essential requirement. Those that suffer negative side effects caused by Tepezza can not only lose temporary wages but lose their position at their job or even have an entire career rendered untenable. It goes without saying that the economic repercussions of this are dire. Treatment, medical devices like hearing aids, therapy, and the medical expenses for hearing disability, are significant drains on a person’s finances.

Non-economic Damages Inflicted Because of Tepezza Infusions

Tepezza Hearing Damage Lawsuit Lawyer

Non-economic damages caused by Tepezza are also severe, despite the fact they do not directly relate to a person’s finances. Non-economic damages involve losses caused by an injury that is not monetary or financial in nature. Having one’s hearing impaired can be distressing, and confronting the permanence of hearing issues inflicted by Tepezza can lead to a great deal of emotional turmoil.

Pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, and even loss of consortium caused by Tepezza-related injuries can be part of the compensation attained through a product liability lawsuit filed against the makers of Tepezza. There are relevant safety concerns related to Tepezza use. The potential risk of hearing loss is far too great for Horizon Therapeutics to ignore. Horizon Therapeutics has failed to provide warnings over potential hearing loss or tinnitus following the use of Tepezza. Instead, they are continuing to ignore relevant safety concerns.

Can I File a Tepezza Lawsuit?

Seeking compensation for damages inflicted by Tepezza side effects is possible through a product liability lawsuit, but plaintiffs need to satisfy several criteria. First and foremost, plaintiffs looking to file Tepezza lawsuits need to have suffered significant damages caused by Tepezza.

You cannot file a lawsuit just because you have received Tepezza or teprotumumab injections. Plaintiffs need to have been given Tepezza and suffered from at least one of the aforementioned negative effects, such as hearing loss or tinnitus, eustachian tube dysfunction, inner ear injury, hyperacusis, etc.

Being able to prove that you were given Tepezza, that Tepezza is what caused your injuries, and the extent of your damages are important components of these cases. Dolman Law Group understands that there can be confusion and doubt surrounding these subjects when you are considering a product liability lawsuit, which is why we urge you to contact our firm.

How Can a Tepezza Lawsuit Lawyer Help You?

The product liability lawyers of Dolman Law Group are poised to provide new clients that have suffered hearing disabilities due to Tepezza infusions with award-winning legal representation.

Our law firm is recognized nationally as one of the leading personal injury firms in the country. The Tepezza lawyers at Dolman Law Group have over 130+ years of experience successfully litigating cases.

Tepezza lawsuits, like most product liability lawsuits, require experience and extensive legal resources that a firm like ours can provide.

Tepezza Lawsuit Attorneys

Benefits of Hiring Dolman Law Group to Handle Your Hearing Loss Case

Your Tepezza hearing injury case will benefit from our firm’s services, such as:

  • Assessment and calculation of Tepezza inflicted damages
  • The gathering of evidence essential for your lawsuit’s success
  • Expert legal advice and insight as to your legal options and rights
  • Extensive legal resources
  • Connections with expert witnesses and specialists
  • Settlement negotiation
  • Representation in court

With the help of our Tepezza hearing loss lawyers, your case will receive the full weight of our law firm behind it and the undivided attention it deserves. Contact us so we can show you how our legal team can assist you in such a difficult time.

Dolman Law Group emphasizes maintaining close communication with our clients, not only to keep them up-to-date on their case’s progress but also to make sure that the entire process is going well.

Contact Dolman Law Group for Help With Your Tepezza Lawsuit

If you or a loved one suffered permanent hearing loss or tinnitus after taking Tepezza, you may be able to obtain financial compensation for your damages, including the impact on your quality of life. Dolman Law Group is an experienced mass tort and product liability law firm, handling hundreds of cases against defective drug manufacturers while still treating every client with the personal attention they deserve. We know that our clients are what makes us successful, and we never take that for granted.

We offer a free legal consultation to prospective clients. Our Tepezza injury lawyers are ready to listen to the details of your case and discuss what we can do to help you seek compensation for your injuries and hold Horizon Therapeutics accountable. Additionally, we offer a free case review for any individual with Tepezza hearing loss or hearing-related issues who is considering taking legal action.

To see if you are eligible for a Tepezza lawsuit, contact us today at 866-804-2555 or fill out the contact form on our website for a free legal consultation. We anticipate filing a number of Tepezza hearing loss lawsuits over the coming months.


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