North Miami Beach Enfamil Lawsuit Lawyer

If your child is sick after drinking Enfamil formula, you can connect with a North Miami Beach Enfamil lawsuit lawyer for assistance. At Dolman Law Group, we offer free consultations and affordable legal care. 

The manufacturers of most baby formula (including Enfamil) typically use cow milk and various ingredients and nutrients to prepare the products. The manufacturers intend that the formulas will mimic human or breast milk. Unfortunately, the general consumer experience seems to suggest that:

  • Many of these cow milk-based products can make infants susceptible to the dangerous digestive disease widely known as NEC (or necrotizing enterocolitis).
  • The problems with cow’s milk typically result from baby formulas that cause bacterial septic overload in premature babies’ stomachs.
  • Eventually, this condition cuts holes in the infants’ bowels, causing bleeding and widespread infection.

How Enfamil Leads to the Development of NEC in Infants

  • Necrotizing Enterocolitis is a serious gastrointestinal problem that usually affects premature babies.
  • NEC typically inflames intestinal tissue and eventually causes it to die.
  • The condition often develops within 14 to 42 days after the baby’s birth.
  • The development of NEC has been traced to the use of standard baby formulas like Enfamil.
  • Some infants experience mild symptoms with NEC; other cases may be severe and even fatal.

Other Conditions Associated With NEC in Infants

Other symptoms and conditions include:

  • Abdominal infection: NEC may cause a hole to develop in the infant’s intestinal wall. When this happens, bacteria can enter the abdominal cavity and cause an infection called peritonitis. This can further cause sepsis, a potentially deadly blood infection in the infant.
  • Short bowel (short gut) syndrome: The condition inhibits nutrient and fluid absorption. This means the child will need lifelong care—possibly through a feeding tube.
  • Intestinal stricture: This refers to the narrowing of the infant’s intestines. It usually makes it difficult to digest food.
  • Developmental delays and growth failure: NEC may lead to slower growth in the infant. It may also lead to neurocognitive ability development. This condition is common in NEC-affected infants who require surgery.

Identifying the Signs Your Baby May Have NEC

It’s essential to recognize NEC’s symptoms to identify the problem early and start treating your newborn as early as possible. Knowing the symptoms early can also help the doctors take measures to deal with the situation. Here are the typical symptoms of NEC:

  • Abdominal swelling
  • Green or yellow vomit
  • Feedings staying in the stomach
  • Bloody stool or poop
  • Slowed or labored breathing
  • Low oxygen levels
  • Low heart rate
  • Fatigue or lethargy
  • Change in body temperature
  • Refusal to eat
  • Inability to gain weight

Long-term Effects on Your Baby

As the parent of a baby having NEC, it’s essential to note that sudden death isn’t the only thing to worry about; there are many other debilitating side effects you may have to deal with every day. Some of these have long-term, lasting effects on your baby’s body and digestive system.

If using a cow milk-based formula (such as Enfamil) caused NEC in your infant, you could approach our North Miami Beach Enfamil lawsuit lawyer for help. The Dolman Law Group team of attorneys will ensure justice for your newborn baby and have the culpable parties take responsibility for their error or neglect.

Consider the following:

  • Premature birth (birth before 32 weeks)
  • Digestive issues, including digestive failure
  • Bowel strictures
  • Bowel adhesions
  • Trouble gaining weight
  • Short bowel syndrome
  • Problems with neurological development

Act Now Before Time Runs Out

If your baby suffered harm from using Enfamil or related baby formulas, you have a right to seek legal compensation. You should act on time- before the statute of limitations lapses. The Florida statute of limitations governing such cases stands at four years. 

You may be able to take advantage of the discovery rule relating to NEC lawsuits. 

This might extend the statute of limitations in some cases, providing a window of hope for Miami Dade County parents who wish to pursue justice for their babies.

Here are a few factors that the statute of limitations touches on:

  • Children or minors may have a longer period to file
  • The time frame in which you discovered the damages can affect the statute

Whatever the case, the Dolman Law Group attorneys can advise you on your rights based on the Florida statute of limitations and other laws applicable in Miami Beach.

How Dolman Law Group Can Help

If the doctors diagnosed your baby with NEC (necrotizing enterocolitis) due to the unknowing consumption of potentially toxic baby formula like Enfamil, you can institute an Enfamil lawsuit and actively seek compensation for damages like these:

  • Hospital and NICU bills
  • Pediatrician expenses
  • Prescription medication
  • Medical equipment rentals
  • Lost income during the recovery period
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

If the consumption of such baby products led to your child’s wrongful death, Dolman Law Group is ready to make responsible parties answer to wrongful death charges relating to the defective product, including manufacturer negligence.

Here are just a few of the benefits you get when you choose to work with Dolman Law Group:

  • Our team can investigate the manufacturer for a history or pattern of negligence. 
  • We can field calls from Enfamil and their insurance company. 
  • Our experts can review medical reports and test results. 
  • We’ll handle all the paperwork and make sure your claim is filed on time. 
  • Our attorneys can calculate damages and negotiate a substantial settlement. 
  • Our firm works on a contingency-fee-basis, so you only pay when we win or settle your case. 

Reach Out to Our North Miami Beach Enfamil Lawsuit Lawyer

Contact Dolman Law Group today. We’ll swing into action to win justice for your baby. You’ll start with a free consultation with a team member who’s ready to listen to your story.

North Miami Beach Office
1820 NE 163rd St #306,
North Miami Beach, FL 33162
(305) 676-8154


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