North Miami Beach Omegle Lawsuit Lawyer

April 12, 2022 | Attorney, Matthew Dolman

Omegle is a free application that allows users to connect with others through a chat room. It has limited restrictions and profile requirements, making it easy for online predators to use.

If you or your child is a victim of sexual assault or any other form of abuse on Omegle, a North Miami Beach Omegle lawsuit lawyer with Dolman Law Group can advocate for you. We will help you seek compensation for damages, offer to analyze your case, and provide advice on other legal options you may pursue to support your case.

Who Can Sue Omegle for Sexual Abuse or Assault?

Anyone who is a victim of assault or abuse via the Omegle app can sue for damages, though most abuse victims on Omegle are minors. This is due to the app's popularity amongst children who can easily join the app to talk to their peers without the hassle of age or contact verification. Children are also likely to hide their social media use from parents and ignore the adult content warning on the app.

It's critical to note that Omegle has an 18-year-old age requirement for users and a 13-year-old age limit for minors with parental supervision.

Besides actual victims and parents, families of Omegle sexual assault victims can also sue if:

  • They were party to the assault and have grounds for a lawsuit for infliction of emotional distress.
  • The assault or abuse results in the wrongful death of the victim.

As a Victim of Assault on Omegle, Can You File a Lawsuit or Criminal Charges?

A case of sexual abuse or assault on Omegle can be confusing for the victim. First, it's not always clear what the available legal options are, and second, as the victim, you may not know whether your case amounts to a criminal or civil case.

You need to remember that most sexual abuse cases result in criminal charges against the perpetrator. Unfortunately, users on Omegle interact anonymously. A sexual abuse case can be challenging to prove if an interaction did not move from the app to real life. Typically, a civil lawsuit is the only way to receive monetary compensation for damages after an Omegle sexual assault case.

Instead of figuring out the applicable legal procedure for your case on your own, it's easier to have an Omegle personal injury lawyer to help with your case. They'll analyze your situation to understand the extent of Omegle's liability in the abuse and learn which legal pursuits may lead to the best outcome.

How Is Liability Determined for Omegle Sexual Abuse Cases?

To know who's responsible for your injuries and damages after sexual abuse or assault, an Omegle lawsuit lawyer at our firm will consider all the available information regarding your case. Because Omegle is an anonymous user app, finding the person behind the screen can be challenging. In such instances, the lawyer may hold the company liable for poor app design and lack of critical restrictions to limit predatory behavior online.

Your lawyer may also state that the company is already aware of the presence of abusers on the platform but fails to institute sufficient precautionary measures. Even though the company may be liable for your injuries, the extent may differ from case to case. 

What Should You Do If Your Child Is a Victim of Sexual Assault on Omegle?

Discovering your child is a victim of assault or abuse on Omegle can be distressing. If you're in such a situation, you should consider contacting our law firm immediately to discuss how to file a lawsuit. In addition to filing a lawsuit, an Omegle lawsuit lawyer will review your case to see whether Marsha's Law is applicable.

Marsha's Law is a federal law that protects the compensation rights of victims of child abuse. Typically, Marsha's Law states that victims have a right to get monetary compensation from anyone who produces and distributes child sex abuse images.

Depending on whether your case qualifies for filing under Marsha's Law, your lawyer could also make a case for compensation for pain and suffering. Children who are victims of sexual abuse through Omegle can suffer extensive psychological trauma, isolation, and depression. You deserve compensation for all these injuries.

How Long You Have to File an Omegle Lawsuit Under Marsha's Law

To file a civil lawsuit against the other party, you must comply with Marsha's Law deadlines. Generally speaking, you have up to 10 years after your 18th birthday or 10 years following your reasonable discovery of the injury or violation.

Understanding these time frames for your case can be challenging if you don't have any legal knowledge of the matter. Fortunately, a lawyer at our firm can help you learn the applicable deadlines for your case and help prepare and file the necessary documents.

Dolman Law Group Can Manage Your North Miami Beach Omegle Lawsuit

If you or a family member is a victim of abuse through Omegle, contact Dolman Law Group for advice on available legal options. We'll take up all the legal procedures of your case to help ensure you get the compensation you deserve. Reach out for your free initial consultation today.

Our North Miami Beach lawsuit lawyers take cases for a contingency fee, meaning they won't ask for any payment by the hour, starting up, or out of pocket. Instead, they only recover their fee if they recover compensation for you. That way, you won't have any financial stress.

North Miami Beach Office
1820 NE 163rd St #306,
North Miami Beach, FL 33162
(305) 676-8154


Matthew Dolman

Personal Injury Lawyer

This article was written and reviewed by Matthew Dolman. Matt has been a practicing civil trial, personal injury, products liability, and mass tort lawyer since 2004. He has successfully fought for more than 11,000 injured clients and acted as lead counsel in more than 1,000 lawsuits. Always on the cutting edge of personal injury law, Matt is actively engaged in complex legal matters, including Suboxone, AFFF, and Ozempic lawsuits.  Matt is a lifetime member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum and Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum for resolving individual cases in excess of $1 million and $2 million, respectively. He has also been selected by his colleagues as a Florida Superlawyer and as a member of Florida’s Legal Elite on multiple occasions. Further, Matt has been quoted in the media numerous times and is a sought-after speaker on a variety of legal issues and topics.

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