AAA Insurance Claims in Florida


Insurance companies are always looking to optimize their businesses, trying to save more money than paying their policyholders their due. The American Automobile Association (AAA) is no different. Filing claims with AAA is one of the hardest things to do after a collision. They will try to give you a lower claim settlement that doesn’t cover your damages.

The good news is you can get a car accident lawyer to help you negotiate for a more satisfying settlement. A lawyer is a good investment on your part as they know the law. You might get duped into accepting the first payment or lesser payment. On the other hand, an attorney will value your case and use the value they get to ask for a higher settlement.

Dealing With AAA Auto Insurance Claims

It can be hard to recover compensation from AAA after a car accident. This is because AAA insurance isn’t just one big company. It works with many other smaller auto clubs in every state, for example, the Auto Club South in Florida.

The different auto clubs across the states make it hard to get settlements as they all have different rules. A car accident lawyer is your best bet when looking to get compensation. All clubs have laws that limit the support the injured party can expect, and a lawyer will help you navigate their system to get your due.

Like most insurance companies, AAA has a playbook to keep victims in the dark about their compensation. You also must find the specific set of rules that apply to the branch you are using, leaving you at a great disadvantage. A car accident or personal injury lawyer ensures you get fair treatment and helps you pursue a fair settlement.

How to File an AAA Insurance Claim

The most important thing to remember when looking to file an auto insurance claim is that you should not do it alone. One of our attorneys is more than willing to take up your case and help you file the claims for you. You risk lowballing yourself if you contact the insurance company alone.

Once you get a lawyer, tell them all the details of your case and ask them what kind of claims you can file. The lawyer analyzes your case and determines the best steps to take, ensuring you take the path with the most chance of success.

These are the most common steps you can take to file a claim:

Contact the Insurance Company

It is essential that you do this with the help of your lawyer. Contact your insurance company and ask the deadline for filing claims. You should also ask them if you are covered and if you can get estimates of any repair costs you might need.

Complete a Claims Forms

With the help of your lawyer, complete the claims forms you get from the insurance company. Include any documentation that the insurer asks for. This could include a police report or death certificate in life insurance cases. The documentation can be used as proof and help support your claim.

Contact Local Law Enforcement

This is necessary if you were in a traffic accident or had a break-in at home. This ensures you get legal documentation of the incident, and it helps prop your case. You are required to report any collisions resulting in significant property damage or injuries.

Share Details of the Accident

Write down any details you can remember of the accident, including the date and time and how the accident happened. You should also include the other driver’s name, phone number, address, and a description of their car, such as the license plate number.

If possible, take pictures or videos of the damage after the accident. While not necessary, this step provides further proof that the accident occurred and that there were significant damages as a result. Contacting a car accident lawyer early leaves them responsible for collecting evidence and filing the insurance claims forms.

Document Your Expenses

This is the best way to show the extent of your damages and the costs needed to cover them. Keep track of anything you pay for or any other expenses you incur relating to the accident. You can even give all the receipts to your lawyer for safekeeping.

Why a Lawyer Is Important

The process of filing insurance claims is simple on paper but a lot less so when you do it. Our lawyers have a lot of experience in this sector, and they know the steps like the back of their hands. They will take your case off your hands, leaving you to focus on your recovery and doing all the murky work for you.

Insurance companies also have stalling tactics that they can use to delay your payment. Sometimes they can refuse to settle your claims, making them act in bad faith. Our lawyers can deal with the bad faith insurance to ensure AAA insurance doesn’t take advantage of you.

Some of the ways our lawyers can help are:

  • Collecting evidence: A lawyer will go to the accident scene and collect any evidence, including traffic footage of the accident and eyewitness statements.
  • Filing the claims reports: Filing claims uses legal wording that can confuse you. Your lawyer is familiar with the terminology, and they can fill the forms easily.
  • Negotiating a fair settlement: Our lawyers take accurate stock of your case and give it a monetary value. They then negotiate with the insurance company to get you compensation that covers all your needs.
  • Offering legal advice: The lawyer advises you on the best ways to proceed with your case and answer all your questions, putting your mind at ease.

File Your Insurance Claims with a Dolman Law Group Lawyer

The attorneys at Dolman Law Group are happy to take over your case. They will do all they can to ensure your claims reports and ensure the insurance company takes your claims seriously. Call us and let us start working on your AAA insurance claims today.


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