Bronx Human Trafficking Lawyer

Bronx Human Trafficking Lawyer


Many people may think that human trafficking is a problem that occurs in faraway nations. However, the United States also has instances of human trafficking. Perpetrators can use establishments that offer seclusion and lack oversight to conduct human trafficking.

Some business owners may ignore the presence of trafficking on their premises, allowing the crime to continue. You have the right to take legal action against businesses that enabled your exploitation. By filing a case, you may be able to recover compensation that will help you get your life back on track. A Bronx human trafficking lawyer with Dolman Law Group can help you hold the responsible parties accountable.

Identifying Liable Parties in Your Human Trafficking Case

According to 22 U.S.C. § 7102(12), human trafficking refers to soliciting, accommodating, transporting, providing, or obtaining an individual for labor or other services. It involves the use of force, coercion, or deception to get someone to provide services involuntarily. As a survivor of human trafficking, you can seek compensation from parties that profited from your trafficking.

Traffickers and customers are a couple of the groups that can be charged in a human trafficking case. Other possible defendants in a human trafficking case are businesses in the hospitality industry, such as hotels, casinos, and motels. Truck stops are another common spot for human traffickers.

These businesses are usually located in far-off and secluded places. This makes it a prime spot for human traffickers to conduct their affairs. Their seclusion makes consistent monitoring by police difficult. A Bronx human trafficking lawyer at our firm can assist you in identifying every party that was involved in your exploitation.

Ways Human Trafficking Occurs

Human traffickers target vulnerable populations. Vulnerable groups include people who are in a difficult situation. Traffickers may attract them with false promises of getting them out of these situations and improving their lives. Some of the vulnerable populations that traffickers may target include:

  • Children in the juvenile justice system and foster care
  • Young people with no place to live
  • Individuals with drug abuse issues
  • Unregistered persons in the country
  • People with serious financial problems and low literacy

Human trafficking perpetrators may also recruit people from online platforms. Websites provide traffickers with anonymity and access to a larger population.

One of the tactics traffickers use in the online space includes expressing false romantic interest. The target may then plan to meet with the perpetrator. When the target eventually meets the trafficker in person, they are abducted and trafficked. You did not deserve to be a victim of trafficking, no matter how you were recruited. Our human trafficking lawyers can help you seek justice by bringing a case against the involved parties.

We Deal with Different Types of Human Trafficking Cases

Sex trafficking is one of the types of human trafficking. Women and children are the most targeted groups for sex trafficking. This type of trafficking can present itself as escort services or solicitation. Traffickers may make use of massage parlors, bars, and strip clubs for their activities.

The sexual abuse that victims face from sex traffickers can leave them traumatized. In addition, victims may sustain physical injuries that affect them for a lifetime. Traffickers may also abduct people to use them to provide labor. In this type of trafficking, victims often work labor-intensive jobs. The revenue they generate goes to the perpetrators. Some victims of human trafficking get forced to provide services as a way to pay off their debts.

A lawyer at our firm can represent your case regardless of the type of exploitation you suffered. To control victims, traffickers may:

  • Confiscate their travel documents and IDs
  • Isolate them
  • Provide drugs to make them more cooperative
  • Threaten them with physical harm

Filing a Lawsuit Against Responsible Businesses

Businesses may not actively participate in human trafficking. However, they may allow and encourage these criminal activities to occur. Businesses can take measures to safeguard their customers from human trafficking. They can direct their funds towards installing cameras and placing adequate lights on the premises. Resources can also go towards employing enough security to monitor the area.

Employers in the hospitality industry can also train their workers to identify signs of human trafficking. Some of these signs in an individual include restlessness and an inability to speak for themselves. They may also seem malnourished and injured. Traffickers will avoid establishments where such measures are in place because of the risk of identification. You can file a civil lawsuit against establishments that promote human trafficking in one way or another.

Your lawyer can conduct the necessary investigations to prove that their negligence encouraged your exploitation. These establishments may hire teams of lawyers to defend the case brought against them. A human trafficking lawyer with our firm can help you build a strong case to help you recover compensation.

Receiving Compensation in Your Bronx Human Trafficking Case

Anthony J. Russo, Jr.
Anthony J. Russo, Jr., New York of Counsel

Compensation in your case may cover medical treatment costs for illnesses and injuries you sustained from the ordeal. Your lawyer can help you factor in the cost of current and future medical care. Compensation may also cover the costs of seeing a therapist.

The laws governing human trafficking are many and complex. A lawyer on our team can explain these laws to you and apply them correctly to help you recover compensation.

File a Case With the Help of Our Bronx Human Trafficking Lawyer

At Dolman Law Group, we can advocate for your right to compensation from unethical businesses that facilitated your exploitation. Filing a case is a great way to stand up against the perpetrators. If you or someone you know was a victim of human trafficking, a Bronx human trafficking lawyer at our firm can help.

Connect with us today for a free case review.

Bronx Office Location
3250 Westchester Ave, suite 200A/B
Bronx, NY 10461
(718) 550-3471


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