Fort Lauderdale Human Trafficking Lawyer

Fort Lauderdale Human Trafficking Lawyer


Human trafficking refers to using fraud, coercion, or force to get free labor or to force someone into an activity, like commercial sex. Victims of such crimes often end up with serious physical and emotional injuries. They may also lose their lives or sustain disabling conditions.

If you or a loved one experienced human trafficking and suffered any form of injury, you could pursue damages from the liable party in addition to any criminal charges they may face. It is also possible to sue their accomplices and organizations aware of the activities if they did not report them. A Fort Lauderdale human trafficking lawyer from Dolman Law Group has the resources to hold those who harmed you or your family member accountable.

Proving Liability in a Human Trafficking Case

When you file a lawsuit for human trafficking, you must present evidence that establishes liability. Our lawyers will use facts about your case to identify parties that contributed to the crime. The methods our team applies will mainly depend on the specifics of the matter.

Once we identify the at-fault parties, we will gather evidence such as video surveillance footage showing abuse. We can also present images indicating you sustained physical harm.

Another item our attorneys may use to prove liability is eyewitness testimony. Such proof would be applicable if other parties were present during the fraudulent activity or abuse. It may also be helpful when establishing aspects like captivity or involuntary participation in various activities. Other potential pieces of evidence we could use include:

  • Employment records
  • Timesheets indicating your working hours
  • A confession
  • Recordings of interactions between you and a perpetrator

Filing a Human Trafficking Lawsuit in Fort Lauderdale

Florida law allows victims of human trafficking to file civil lawsuits against the perpetrator. They can also sue other parties if they benefited from the crime or were otherwise negligent. 

Our attorneys will use facts about your case to draft a complaint or petition. This document will reference the damages you seek against the other parties. It will also state the negligence you are accusing them of and mention if you want a jury at your hearing. When our lawyers develop a petition, we will present it in court, obtain a summons, and send it to the other party to commence the case.

Deadline to File a Fort Lauderdale Human Trafficking Lawsuit

Florida does not have a deadline for filing a human trafficking case. However, the time limit for other aspects, like personal injury and wrongful death, may affect your case.

As soon as you hire our legal team, we will help you determine the duration you have to seek justice. Then, we will work quickly to gather evidence in time to prevent you from losing the right to file a lawsuit.

More Ways a Fort Lauderdale Human Trafficking Lawyer May Help

Our team at Dolman Law Group will offer all the guidance you need during a lawsuit. For instance, we may recommend some precautions to protect your claim and legal rights, such as not discussing your case with other parties and avoiding sharing information on social media.

Gathering evidence for a Fort Lauderdale human trafficking case will involve various legal processes, including identifying witnesses and interviewing them. We can help you collect all the needed proof from these parties. We will also compile a comprehensive evidence file for each damage or injury you claim. More ways our team will assist are:

  • Defending your claim
  • Suing all liable parties
  • Identifying negligent parties
  • Updating you on the case’s progress
  • Responding to your questions

Our personal injury lawyers will also assist by assessing damages. This process involves determining all the ways these circumstances have affected your life. It may also include working with professionals such as doctors to identify the extent of your injuries and recovery. 

Damages Recoverable for Fort Lauderdale Human Trafficking

You can recover various damages when you file a lawsuit in Fort Lauderdale for human trafficking. For instance, if you sustained physical harm, you may seek reimbursement for medical treatment like emergency care, surgeries, medication, and trauma therapy.

Human trafficking also causes significant pain and suffering by inflicting anguish and distress. Our attorneys can help you claim these damages by assessing how the crime in question has affected your daily life. We can seek damages like:

  • Loss of life enjoyment
  • Physical pain
  • Reduced quality of life
  • Negative effects on your relationships
  • Mental health conditions

Since human trafficking is slavery and exploitation, you could also claim wages and income if you provided free labor due to coercion or force. Our lawyers will determine the amount you deserve based on the days and hours you worked.

Filing a Wrongful Death Lawsuit Based on Human Trafficking

Tragically, some instances of human trafficking result in death. When this happens, filing a wrongful death lawsuit against the liable party could help you get compensation. Our Fort Lauderdale attorneys will establish the responsible parties, gathering evidence that connects them to human trafficking and/or the fatality.

Once we have enough proof, we will seek reimbursement for expenses the deceased incurred for medical care. Our firm can also seek compensation for burial and funeral expenses, as well as:

  • Trauma counseling
  • Loss of prospective household income and care
  • Loss of guidance and companionship
  • Pain and suffering

Discuss Your Human Trafficking Case Today

A human trafficking lawyer from our firm will offer all the legal help you need. Further, we will collect evidence and use it to seek compensation for each sustained injury in  Fort Lauderdale.

At Dolman Law Group, we are ready to help you seek justice for any form of human trafficking. Our attorneys will identify all the laws the other party breached and use them to build your case. Contact us today for a free case consultation.

Fort Lauderdale Office
150 E Davie Blvd Suite 201-2
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
Phone: (754) 208-1130


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