GranuFlo is a dry acid that is a dialysis treatment for diabetic patients. Its liquid counterpart is called NatruaLyte and accomplishes the same goals. It is meant to counteract the accumulation of acid in the blood stream.
In March of 2012, the FDA issued a Class I recall of GranuFlo because of the high risk of heart attack, stroke, and other cardiovascular problems.
Recently it was discovered that Fresenius Medical Care, the drug’s manufacturer, knew about the dangers associated with the drug long before the FDA recall but failed to stop distribution or warn consumers of the risks associated with its use. In November of 2011 Fresenius sent an internal memorandum to its own dialysis centers warning their doctors that 941 patients suffered heart attacks shortly after receiving dialysis treatments containing GranuFlo, and patients using this dialysis treatment are six to eight times more likely to experience sudden cardiac death than patients who receive treatments using other dialysis products.
Disturbingly, Fresenius failed to alert any of the other physicians or dialysis centers to whom they were selling the drug, so GranuFlo continued to be administered even after the company was aware of the high risk of heart attack and death. The internal memo only became known to the public after a whistle-blower employee of Fresenius leaked the memo to the FDA.
Following the exposure of Fresenius’s secret memo, plaintiffs across the country began filing suit against the manufacturer claiming that the company knew of the hazards associated with the drug and failed to warn its patients of those dangers. The exact number of cases pending at this time is unknown, as GranuFlo cases have been filed against Fresenius, as well as other dialysis treatments centers who plaintiff’s claim “should have known” of the risks associated with using the drug, especially in light of the 2012 FDA recall.
If you or someone you know suffered a heart attack, stroke, or other cardiovascular problems following the use of GranuFlo or NatruaLyte, you may be entitled to recover for your injuries. Additionally, because Fresenius knew of the dangers associated with the drug, it may be possible to recover punitive damages (money intended to make a wrongdoer pay for his/her reckless acts). Please contact the experienced personal injury attorneys at Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, for a free consultation and case evaluation. (833) 606-DRUG [3784].