Chicago Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer

September 28, 2023 | Attorney, Matthew Dolman
Matt Dolman, Personal Injury Lawyer in Illinois
Chicago Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer, Matthew Dolman

Drunk driving in Chicago is illegal, reckless, and extremely dangerous. These facts don't stop a steady stream of Chicago motorists from irresponsibly deciding to get behind the wheel after drinking alcohol, with predictably tragic results. Numerous Chicagoans die yearly and sustain significant injuries in drunk driving accidents.

If you or a loved one recently suffered injuries in a Chicago drunk driving accident, you have the right to compensation for your losses under Illinois law. The experienced team of Chicago drunk driving accident lawyers at Dolman Law Group knows how to get it. Contact us today to learn what we can do for you.

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Experienced Chicago Drunk Driving Accident Injury Lawyers

When seeking legal representation after a drunk driving accident, having an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic legal team on your side can make all the difference. Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, is that kind of team.

We are a nationally respected law firm with a track record of securing compensation for victims of drunk driving accidents. Our lawyers understand the legal complexities and personal challenges of drunk driving accident cases for victims of drunk driving crashes and their loved ones.

Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, fights for the rights of Chicagoans who have suffered harm due to drunk drivers. Contact us to learn what our team can do to secure compensation after you or a loved one has been a victim of a Chicago drunk driving crash.

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Seeking Compensation for Drunk Driving Accident Injuries


Victims of Chicago drunk driving accidents have rights under Illinois law to seek compensation for their injuries. Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, understands these rights and fights tirelessly to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve for the losses a drunk driver inflicted on you.

Who Is Liable for Damages in Chicago Drunk Driving Accidents?

Anyone whose careless, reckless, or intentional misconduct causes an accident can face liability for injured victims. In most Chicago drunk driving accidents, the drunk driver will owe monetary damages to those they hurt. Chicago drunk drivers can be financially accountable to injured crash victims and face criminal penalties for their misconduct.

Drunk drivers aren't the only people who might owe compensation to accident victims. Other parties can share liability or even bear it entirely. Under the Illinois Dram Shop Law, a bar, restaurant, liquor store, or other licensed alcohol vendor that serves alcohol to a driver can be liable for a crash if they served alcohol to the driver to the point of intoxication.

Your right to sue under the Dram Shop Law offers a potentially significant additional source of compensation for your losses from a drunk driving accident.

Others who may share liability for a Chicago drunk driving accident include another motorist whose careless driving contributed to the drunk driver's loss of control or the manufacturer of defective automotive parts or products that triggered the crash.

The more parties you identify as liable for a drunk driving accident, the better your chances of securing compensation for your losses. At Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, our seasoned lawyers scour the evidence to uncover every potentially liable party in our drunk driving accident injury cases.

What Damages Can You Seek for a Drunk Driving Accident?

Victims of drunk driving accidents in Chicago rightfully seek a range of damages from the at-fault parties and their insurers.

Those damages typically include payment for:

  • Medical and other accident- or injury-related expenses.
  • Lost income and job benefits.
  • Loss of future earning potential.
  • Physical pain.
  • Emotional distress.
  • Loss of enjoyment of life.
  • Scarring, disfigurement, or loss of bodily function.

A Cook County court will sometimes also award punitive damages to the victim in a drunk driving accident case as punishment for the driver's illegal and reckless misconduct. In the tragic case of a fatal drunk driving accident, the victim's surviving spouse or family members may seek compensation for their financial losses through a wrongful death lawsuit, including for the loss of the deceased's income, financial support, companionship, and consortium.

The types and amounts of compensation you could receive after suffering losses in a Chicago drunk driving accident depend on various factors, including the severity of your injuries, the strength of the evidence proving liability and damages, the skill and reputation of your lawyer, and the financial resources—especially insurance coverage—the liable parties can use to pay you.

Statistics on Drunk Driving Accidents in Chicago

Dolman Law Team

Even one drunk driving accident is too many, but the stark reality is that the numbers are far higher, leading to countless preventable tragedies in Chicago. According to the Illinois Department of Transportation, more than 2,000 drunk driving crashes happened in the Chicago area in a recent year, taking the lives of six and injuring more than 650. Research shows that despite the steady drumbeat of public awareness campaigns, harsh criminal penalties, and driver education initiatives, the rate of drunk driving has remained stubbornly consistent throughout Illinois year over year.

Drunk driving accidents can happen anywhere in Chicago, from neighborhood streets to the I-90 and I-290. Neighborhoods popular for nightlife, such as Wicker Park, Wrigleyville, and Logan Square, can be particularly dangerous to navigate at some hours because bar and restaurant patrons drive home from these areas.

No matter where your Chicago drunk driving accident happened, you deserve compensation for your losses. Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, fights relentlessly to get it for you.

Drunk Driving Accidents and Injuries We Handle


At Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, our proficient and experienced lawyers handle a diverse range of Chicago drunk driving accident cases that include:

  • Single-car accidents.
  • Head-on collisions.
  • Rear-end collisions.
  • Side-impact collisions.
  • Hit-and-run accidents.
  • Drunk driving accidents causing pedestrian or bicyclist injuries.
  • Accidents involving Uber or Lyft drivers who were under the influence.
  • Drunk driving accidents resulting in catastrophic injuries or wrongful death.

Our legal team also has experience in handling a wide variety of cases, including those involving:

  • Traumatic brain injuries.
  • Spinal cord injuries and paralysis.
  • Broken bones.
  • Crush injuries and traumatic amputation.
  • Internal organ damage.
  • Severe burns.
  • Facial injuries.
  • Wrongful death.

No matter the complexity of your case or the severity of your injuries, Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, has the experience, resources, and dedication to pursue maximum compensation for you.

We understand the physical, emotional, and financial strain drunk driving accidents can cause victims and their families. Our mission is to shoulder the legal burdens so you can focus on your recovery and healing.

You Don't Have to Fight Insurance Companies Alone After a Drunk Driving Accident

Insurance plays a crucial role in compensating victims of Chicago drunk driving accidents. Your insurance can provide some relief, but the major share of compensation commonly comes from the at-fault party's liability insurance coverage.

Securing money from an insurer can be a labyrinth of complex procedures, regulations, and legal language that is difficult to navigate successfully. Hiring a skilled drunk driving accident injury attorney at Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, is the safest way to ensure insurance companies treat you fairly and pay you what they owe.

Insurance companies have a financial incentive to pay you as little as possible. They routinely engage in tactics to undermine your claim. They may argue your injuries are less severe than you say, you bear some degree of fault for the drunk driving accident, or there's a lack of evidence connecting your injuries to the accident. They may also pressure you into saying the wrong thing to their adjuster.

At Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, we know these tactics and are ready to counter them. We protect your rights by negotiating directly with insurers. With us on your side, you're not alone in fighting insurance companies to get the money you need after a drunk driving crash.

Dolman Law Group Personal Injury Lawyers

Protect Your Interests After Suffering Harm in a Chicago Drunk Driving Accident

Attorney Matthew Dolman on a phonecall

Sustaining injuries in a drunk driving accident is a traumatic experience. Despite the disruption to your life, it's crucial to remember that your actions in the aftermath of a crash influence the outcome of your claim. Here are some suggestions to protect your interests.

Make Your Healing a Priority

Your priority after a drunk driving accident should be your health and well-being. After seeking immediate medical attention, follow your doctor's instructions and do everything you reasonably can to heal, including attending follow-up appointments, taking your medications, and doing physical therapy.

These steps promote your healing and your legal rights. The value of your claim can depend on demonstrating that you took care of yourself. The records of your care also serve as critical evidence to prove your damages.

Avoid Quick Settlements

Liability insurance companies representing the at-fault party (or parties) may approach you with a settlement offer soon after your accident, even before you've filed a claim or spoken with a lawyer. These offers may be tempting but are typically far lower than the full value of your claim. Before you respond, speak with an experienced Chicago drunk driving accident lawyer who can take over the negotiations with the insurance company and get you a better settlement offer.

Save Every Scrap of Paper

Saving every document relating to your drunk driving accident and its consequences, including the police accident report, medical records, bills from medical providers, and correspondence from insurance companies, can significantly bolster your claim. Give these to a knowledgeable lawyer to review because they can supply vital information to prove your claim.

Hire a Lawyer Immediately

Hiring a lawyer immediately after you suffer harm in a Chicago drunk driving accident is crucial for the success of your claim. Your lawyer can immediately take over communications with insurance companies and coordinate with law enforcement investigations into the drunk driver's actions, ensuring the preservation of all crucial evidence and its availability to you when necessary to pursue a damages claim.

Illinois imposes a strict legal deadline, known as the statute of limitations, for taking legal action for a personal injury. Failing to meet this deadline can result in losing your right to compensation. A Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, lawyer will take timely steps to preserve your rights.

Don't worry about the cost. Hiring a lawyer to handle a Chicago drunk driving accident injury claim is affordable. At Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, we offer free consultations to crash victims and their loved ones. We also handle cases on contingency, which means you only pay us if we secure compensation for you.

Contact an Experienced Chicago Drunk Driving Accident Injury Lawyer Today

Attorney Matt Dolman

Drunk driving accidents should not happen in Chicago, but they do. If you suffered harm in one, you have potentially valuable rights to seek compensation for your losses. 

Don't wait to get the legal help you need. Contact Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, or call us at (312) 500-2901 for your free case evaluation.

Glad I chose Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA. Hiring Matt Dolman is the best decision you could make if you are injured in an accident. He resolved my case quickly (it only took about 4 1/2 months) and it was a pleasure to deal with the staff. The communication was great as I always knew what to expect with each stage of the process.


Refreshing. It was very refreshing to work with an attorney that took such a professional and personal approach to helping me with my legal needs. I was kept informed on everything Mr. Dolman was doing so I never felt “in the dark”. Another positive was Mr. Dolman’s knowledge in the trial procedures. I never felt misled through the whole process and recieved the services and results that I was promised upon our initial consultation. There were no unexpected issues or occurrences.



Matthew Dolman

Personal Injury Lawyer

This article was written and reviewed by Matthew Dolman. Matt has been a practicing civil trial, personal injury, products liability, and mass tort lawyer since 2004. He has successfully fought for more than 11,000 injured clients and acted as lead counsel in more than 1,000 lawsuits. Always on the cutting edge of personal injury law, Matt is actively engaged in complex legal matters, including Suboxone, AFFF, and Ozempic lawsuits.  Matt is a lifetime member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum and Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum for resolving individual cases in excess of $1 million and $2 million, respectively. He has also been selected by his colleagues as a Florida Superlawyer and as a member of Florida’s Legal Elite on multiple occasions. Further, Matt has been quoted in the media numerous times and is a sought-after speaker on a variety of legal issues and topics.

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