Memphis Car Accident Lawyer

July 19, 2023 | Attorney, Matthew Dolman

Car accidents frequently occur in Memphis. Every crash holds the potential to cause severe harm. Victims of Memphis car accidents routinely suffer catastrophic and fatal injuries, endure intense emotional suffering, and incur crushing, unplanned expenses. Reach out to a Memphis car accident lawyer.

If you or someone close to you recently sustained injuries in a Memphis car accident, you could have the right to receive significant financial damages from the party at fault and others. Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, wants to help you secure that money. Contact us for a free case evaluation.

About Our Team

Memphis Car Accident Lawyer

Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, is a nationally renowned personal injury law firm. We represent car accident victims nationwide in legal actions seeking compensation for their losses.

Our team of lawyers and legal professionals has years of experience fighting to hold at-fault parties, insurance companies, and others legally and financially accountable for crash victims' damages. 

We have an unmatched reputation for getting results in car accident cases. Since our founding, we've secured tens of millions of dollars for injured crash victims and families grieving the loss of a loved one in an accident. Of course, our past results do not guarantee future favorable outcomes. But they demonstrate that Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, has the talent, resources, and know-how to get results in even the toughest car accident cases. 

The Dolman Law Group works with local counsel in any jurisdiction outside Florida for the purpose of filing lawsuits in jurisdictions wherein we are not licensed. Thus, we will follow each State's ethical rules to ensure a local attorney is involved.

The Heavy Impact of Car Accidents in Memphis

According to data compiled by the Tennessee Department of Safety & Homeland Security (DSHS), 513 serious injury crashes and 221 fatal crashes occurred within the Memphis city limits in a recent year. That same year, Shelby County saw 34,882 car accidents, including 8,447 resulting in injuries and 239 in fatalities. 

Crashes resulting in injuries or death happen throughout Memphis. DSHS reports severe car accidents in the heavily touristed downtown areas near Adams Avenue and B.B. King Boulevard, on the city's busy I-40 and I-240 highway corridors, and in neighborhoods like Alta Vista and Scenic Hills. Potentially deadly accidents can happen anywhere people drive in Memphis — which is to say, in every corner of town. 

But troubling as they are, the data on Memphis car accidents only tell part of the story of the devastation crashes cause. Every car accident represents a singular event that can disrupt many lives. At Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, we never treat a car accident case as just another statistic. We give every client personalized attention and tailor our legal services to their unique needs and priorities. 

Your Rights as a Memphis Car Accident Victim

Victims of Memphis car accidents have the right to receive compensation for their losses. Multiple parties could owe it to them. The team at Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, digs into the details of every case to identify every liable party and to ensure our clients claim the maximum compensation available so that they can pay their expenses and rebuild their lives.

Who Is Liable to You?

In Tennessee, you can seek monetary damages from anyone whose careless, reckless, or intentional actions caused a Memphis car crash that left you injured or grieving the loss of a loved one. You may also hold the liable parties financially responsible for your losses. Multiple individuals, businesses, or entities could owe you compensation. 

At Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, we focus on identifying every party who could be held liable to you. Our evaluation of a Memphis car accident will often examine whether another driver caused the crash.

According to DSHS, driver misconduct played a role in many of the 734 fatal and serious injury accidents in Memphis in recent years. For example, data reflect numerous fatal or serious injury car accidents in Memphis involving driver drug or alcohol use (127 crashes), distraction (96 crashes), speeding (66 crashes), and drowsiness (10 crashes). 

But the Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA team also recognizes that drivers (and their auto liability insurers) aren't the only parties who could owe damages for the harm done by a Memphis car accident. Others could share that liability or bear it instead of a driver.

For example: 

  • The employer of a driver who crashes a work vehicle or while in the course of performing job duties
  • The manufacturer of a defective car that crashed because of mechanical, electrical, or system failure
  • A bar or restaurant that served alcohol to an underage or visibly intoxicated drunk driver
  • A government agency or contractor responsible for causing unreasonably dangerous road conditions
  • A liability insurance company that issued coverage to any of the above

These are just some examples of the parties who might owe damages to a Memphis car accident victim. Every case differs.

That's why Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, always explores all possibilities to identify as many parties as possible who may owe money to our client. By finding liable parties others might have overlooked, we often improve our client's odds of receiving the maximum payment available. 

What Compensation Can You Claim?

Memphis car accident victims can seek payment for the physical, emotional, and financial harms they've suffered — a far broader scope of damages than many people realize.

At Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, we scrutinize our clients' losses to ensure that any legal action we take seeks every last penny Tennessee law entitles them to receive.

In many car accident cases, we can pursue payment for our clients': 

  • Past and future medical expenses in treating crash-related injuries and health complications
  • Costs of repairing or replacing damaged vehicles or other personal property
  • Other out-of-pocket expenses like replacement services or home modifications to accommodate a disability
  • Loss of income and benefits due to missing work with an injury
  • Future loss of earnings or opportunities due to a disability
  • Physical pain and discomfort from an injury or medical treatments
  • Emotional distress and mental health challenges like anxiety or PTSD
  • Diminished quality and enjoyment of life

If the party at fault for a Memphis car accident acted maliciously, intentionally, fraudulently, or recklessly, we might also seek punitive damages on our client's behalf.

The amount our clients could receive as damages will typically depend on the strength of their case, the severity of their injuries, and the financial resources — such as assets or insurance — available to the at-fault parties.

No matter what that amount, however, the team at Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, leaves no stone unturned in our quest to ensure fair compensation for a Memphis car accident victim. 

Compensation for Fatal Memphis Car Accidents

As reflected in the data above, hundreds of people die annually in Memphis car accidents, often leaving behind grieving spouses, children, parents, and other loved ones. Tennessee's wrongful death statute entitles those left behind to seek compensation for their loss.

Damages recoverable in a wrongful death action can include payment for:

  • Loss of the deceased victim's income, services, or financial support
  • Loss of the deceased victim's companionship, consortium, or parental guidance
  • The deceased victim's pain, suffering, and loss of quality of life between the time of the accident and death
  • Medical and other crash-related expenses the victim incurred before death
  • A surviving spouse, child, parent, or family member's mental anguish
  • Funeral and burial costs

At Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, we recognize that monetary damages can never make up for losing a loved one. But we have witnessed how the funds we secure for our clients in a wrongful death action can provide crucial financial support to get them through a difficult time and assist them in planning for the future. Contact our compassionate team today if you recently lost a loved one in a Memphis car accident. 

Memphis Car Accident Injuries We Can Handle

With years of experience under their belts, the lawyers and legal professionals at Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, possess broad and detailed familiarity with the trauma a Memphis car accident can cause. Our team understands the medical science, financial consequences, and legal implications of many injuries.

We can handle claims involving:

  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • Spinal cord injuries (SCIs)
  • Crushed or amputated limbs
  • Burns, lacerations, and other trauma causing scarring and disfigurement
  • Facial injuries 
  • Loss of bodily function
  • Back injuries
  • Nerve damage
  • Internal organ damage
  • Broken bones, torn ligaments, and other orthopedic injuries 

And that's just a partial list. No matter what injuries you suffered in a Memphis car accident, chances are our team has handled a case involving similar trauma and can draw on that experience for your benefit. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your car accident injuries. 

What We Can Do for You

At Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, we're equipped to handle Memphis car accident cases of any size or complexity, from fender benders to 50-car pile-ups and everything in between. Our award-winning team knows the ins and outs of claiming damages for losses in a car accident. We're ready to tackle any challenge a car accident claim throws our way.

For example, we can:

  • Investigate a car accident, with the help of automotive or forensic experts when necessary, to determine how it happened.
  • Identify all individuals, businesses, or entities with liability to you.
  • Evaluate your losses and the amount of damages you can claim.
  • Review all insurance policies that may cover your losses.
  • Handle all interactions with insurance companies on your behalf so that you never get another call from an insurance adjuster.
  • Answer your questions promptly and explain your rights in plain English.
  • Advise you in making critical life, financial, or other decisions that could impact your rights to compensation.
  • Gather evidence from at-fault parties, eyewitnesses, law enforcement, and others to support your claim.
  • Prepare and file the paperwork to initiate lawsuits or insurance claims on your behalf. 
  • Negotiate with insurance companies and defense lawyers to achieve a fair settlement of your claims whenever possible. 
  • Present your case to a judge and jury at trial in Shelby County Court
  • Follow through to ensure you receive the money insurance companies or at-fault parties owe you. 

Our legal services are affordable to anyone who needs them. At Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, we offer Memphis car accident victims and their loved ones a free case evaluation. In a meeting with one of our team members, you can learn about your rights and options risk-free. You'll never have to pay us for that meeting, even if you decide not to proceed with legal action. 

We also represent our Memphis car accident clients on a contingent fee basis. Unlike some lawyers, we do not charge you an upfront retainer or bill you hundreds of dollars per hour for our time. You don't have to pay us a penny in advance for our services or as your case progresses. Instead, our fee only comes from the money we secure for you. If we don't get you results, you owe us nothing. 

Contact a Memphis Car Accident Lawyer At  Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, Today

Matthew A. Dolman, Attorney
Matthew Dolman, Memphis Car Accident Lawyer

If you or someone you love recently sustained injuries in a Memphis-area car accident, you may have the right to receive significant compensation. But you have no time to lose. Under Tennessee's statute of limitations for car accident cases, you have at most one year (and possibly less) from the date of your injury to begin legal proceedings seeking damages from a liable party. If you miss that deadline, you'll lose your rights. 

To get the maximum compensation available for your losses under Tennessee law, you need an experienced, respected car accident law firm. Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, is that kind of team. Contact us today at 833-552-7274 (833-55-CRASH) for your free case evaluation. 


Matthew Dolman

Personal Injury Lawyer

This article was written and reviewed by Matthew Dolman. Matt has been a practicing civil trial, personal injury, products liability, and mass tort lawyer since 2004. He has successfully fought for more than 11,000 injured clients and acted as lead counsel in more than 1,000 lawsuits. Always on the cutting edge of personal injury law, Matt is actively engaged in complex legal matters, including Suboxone, AFFF, and Ozempic lawsuits.  Matt is a lifetime member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum and Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum for resolving individual cases in excess of $1 million and $2 million, respectively. He has also been selected by his colleagues as a Florida Superlawyer and as a member of Florida’s Legal Elite on multiple occasions. Further, Matt has been quoted in the media numerous times and is a sought-after speaker on a variety of legal issues and topics.

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