Nevada Car Accident Lawyer

Nevada Car Accident Lawyer


Although Nevada is one of the least populous states in the nation, it has more than its share of traffic. Reno and Las Vegas draw thousands of business and recreational travelers alike, creating plenty of traffic on I-80, I-25, and the U.S. highways in between.

Negligent drivers who make careless choices behind the wheel put those on the road at risk for car accidents. Our Nevada car accident victims do not always walk away unscathed. Some face severe and permanent injuries that affect their lives for decades.

Severe car accidents that result in injuries come with emotional and financial stress on top of physical pain. You shouldn’t have to face these challenges when another driver’s poor choices led to your injuries. If you suffered injuries in a Nevada car accident, you may seek compensation for damages related to the accident and your injuries.

An experienced Nevada car accident lawyer from Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, can fight for your compensation. Our firm has helped car accident victims since 2004. Contact us today to discuss your Nevada car accident and injuries, and let us determine if you have a viable claim.

Why Choose Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA,  For Your Nevada Car Accident Injury Claim

Nevada Car Accident Lawyer

After suffering car accident injuries, you must focus on healing and rehabilitation. Communicating with insurance carriers and their strategies to avoid financial liability for a claim creates additional stress and cuts into the time car accident victims need to recover.

Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, is not intimidated by insurance companies and their legal teams. We know how to fight for the best outcome for injured clients.

Members of the legal team of Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, have garnered national recognition because of their dedication to professional excellence and client service.

Members of the firm belong to elite organizations like the Million Dollar Advocates Forum and the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum. Super Lawyers, National Trial Lawyers, and Best Lawyers have also given awards and recognition to Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA members.

Our Nevada car accident lawyers have the knowledge and resources to help injured people seek justice and fight for compensation for their injuries.

Examples of recent case results include:

  • $1,000,000 for car accident injuries
  • $775,000 for a father and son who suffered car accident injuries
  • $425,000 for lower back injuries from a car accident
  • $380,000 for a herniated disc from a rear-end crash
  • $270,000 for a Chiari malformation and herniated disc from a car accident
  • $220,000 for a central disc profusion from a T-bone car accident

Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, helps clients nationwide, including those who suffered injuries in Nevada car accidents.

The Dolman Law Group works with local counsel in any jurisdiction outside Florida for the purpose of filing lawsuits in jurisdictions wherein we are not licensed. Thus, we will follow each state’s ethical rules to ensure a local attorney is involved.

If you’ve suffered injuries in a preventable Nevada car accident, submit information about your case online or contact us to learn how we can help you.

Compensation in Nevada Car Accident Claims

If you suffered injuries in a Nevada car accident due to negligence, Nevada law permits you to seek damages to recoup losses related to the accident and your injuries. Each claim has different facts and circumstances that affect the amount and type of compensation someone might receive from a settlement or jury verdict in their favor.

Damages commonly included in Nevada car accident claims compensate victims for:

  • Medical expenses, including ambulance and emergency services, hospitalization, surgery, aftercare, diagnostic tests, medication, follow-up visits, and travel to and from medical appointments
  • Estimated medical expenses when a Nevada car accident leads to a severe or permanent injury that requires ongoing care or treatment, sometimes in a long-term nursing care facility
  • Rehabilitation expenses for specialized treatments with a physical therapist, occupational therapist, mental health professional, and others who help car accident victims cope with the physical and mental aftermath of their injuries
  • Lost income from the inability to work or run a business
  • Estimated future losses when Nevada car accident injuries prevent someone from returning to work or working in the future
  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Reduced quality of life and loss of enjoyment
  • Loss of consortium
  • Scarring and disfigurement

Various factors can affect the compensation a Nevada car accident victim might receive. They include:

Severity of Injuries

Generally, those with the most severe injuries often recover more damages from a settlement or jury award after a car accident. The same is often true about certain types of injuries, such as injuries that leave permanent scars.

Severe injuries take months or longer to heal, which justifies additional compensation for pain, suffering, and other damages related to the impact on someone’s life. Noneconomic damages can drastically increase the value of a car accident claim.

Amount of Economic Loss

The total economic loss someone incurs because of a car accident correlates strongly with the severity of their injuries. Severe injuries are more costly to treat and require people to take more time off work or close their businesses if they’re self-employed.

As a Nevada car accident victim amasses economic loss, the value of their claim increases. Lawyers typically estimate future losses, too.

Long-Term Prognosis

The likelihood of a full recovery can drastically impact the amount and type of damages a Nevada car accident victim might receive. Some people suffer chronic pain at and around the site of their injuries. Others suffer from recurring migraines or headaches.

In the worst cases, car accident victims suffer loss of various body functions that impact their ability to work and care for themselves. Those who do not fully recover from car accident injuries typically recover more damages from a settlement or jury award.

An experienced Nevada car accident lawyer from Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, can review the facts of your case, gather relevant evidence and documents, and consult with experts to give you an idea of the amount and type of damages that apply to your car accident claim.

Statute of Limitations for Nevada Car Accident Claims

If you suffer injuries in a Nevada car accident, you have two years from the accident to take legal action against the driver or other party whose negligence injured you. The same statute of limitations period applies to eligible survivors who want to bring a wrongful death claim after a loved one loses their life in a preventable car accident.

Although you have two years to bring a claim after a Nevada car accident, it’s in your best interest to consult with an experienced car accident lawyer soon after your accident. Missing the statute of limitations deadline ensures that you will likely be unable to recoup any losses related to the accident and your injuries. Not only will a court dismiss your case, but you won’t have any leverage to negotiate a settlement with the insurance company involved in the accident.

Additionally, the quality of evidence for a case often decreases or disappears as time goes by. Once you hire an attorney to represent you in your Nevada car accident claim, the sooner they can begin investigating your case and gathering evidence to support your claim.

Types of Injuries in Nevada Car Accident Claims

Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, represents clients nationwide that have suffered a wide array of injuries in car accidents.

Examples of injuries that could serve as justification for a Nevada car accident claim include:

  • Fractures. Simple breaks often heal quickly, and patients make a full recovery. However, complex fractures and multiple broken bones can be expensive to treat, especially when surgery is required. Additionally, patients can develop arthritis and face chronic lifetime pain at the injury site.
  • Brain injuries. Car accidents are a leading cause of traumatic brain injuries. Permanent brain damage can lead to lifetime struggles with memory, cognition, and other brain functions.
  • Neck injuries. The impact of a car crash causes the neck to move back and forth, sometimes leading to severe injuries. High-speed crashes can lead to direct impact neck injuries like broken vertebrae, torn soft tissue, and others.
  • Back injuries. Severe car accidents often cause back injuries because the impact of the crash puts pressure on the spinal column causing herniated discs, broken vertebrae, soft tissue injuries, and other serious injuries.
  • Spinal cord injuries. Spinal cord injuries are among the worst car accident injuries. They are expensive to treat, and the chance of a full recovery is slim.
  • Amputations. Car accidents can crush limbs, sometimes forcing doctors to amputate.
  • Burns. Nevada car accidents that result in a fire or explosion put those involved at risk for severe burns that require reconstructive surgery after months of painful healing.

Fighting the Insurance Company After a Nevada Car Accident

Insurance providers are far more concerned about making profits than providing fair compensation to car accident victims. They use every tactic possible to avoid financial liability, from denying claims for questionable reasons to downplaying injuries and devaluing claims.

Once you or the party responsible for your injuries files a claim with the appropriate insurance company, they will assign a representative to the claim. The adjuster investigates the accident by talking to those involved and gathering other evidence. They eventually decide whether to approve or deny the claim.

Hiring a Nevada car accident lawyer helps protect the value of your claim. An attorney protects the rights of a victim of negligence and can prevent the Insurance provider from playing games to avoid paying a claim. For example, a lawyer can ensure that the insurance company only gets the medical records they need for the claim instead of tricking claimants into releasing their entire medical history.

What to Do After a Nevada Car Accident

You must focus on healing from your injuries after a Nevada car accident. Yet, you can do a few things to protect the value of your claim and give you the best opportunity to recover damages for your injuries.

Certain actions make it harder for the insurance carrier to deny or devalue a Nevada car accident claim:

  • Follow your treatment plan and show up to all doctor appointments. Following doctors’ orders makes it harder for the other side to claim your injuries aren’t as bad as you claim.
  • Keep all documents, receipts, and payroll information that prove economic loss. Make copies and share them with your lawyer, so they can appropriately value your claim.
  • Keep a daily journal to record your struggles because of your injuries. This includes the physical pain you experience, emotional stress, financial challenges, and any changes to your routine, hobbies, and activities. This information helps your lawyer understand how your injuries have impacted your life.

During your initial consultation with a Nevada car accident lawyer, provide this information, so the lawyer can determine the viability of your claim. You should also bring any contact information you have for witnesses, a copy of the police report if you have one, and any photographic information you have of the accident, property damage, and your injuries.

Contact a Nevada Car Accident Lawyer to Help With Your Claim

Matthew A. Dolman, Attorney
Matthew Dolman, Nevada Car Accident Lawyer

If you have sustained injuries in a Nevada car accident, let our lawyers review your case immediately. We treat clients like part of our family and seek the best outcome possible for their situation. We understand your challenges after car accident injuries and want to help.

Contact Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, online to submit your information, or call us at 833-552-7274 (833-55-CRASH) to discuss your case.


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