Tucson Car Accident Lawyer

June 15, 2023 | Attorney, Matthew Dolman

Car accidents always come unexpectedly. Many of them change people’s lives for the worse. Injuries you sustain in a car crash may require expensive treatment and a prolonged recovery. Most people cannot begin to pay the mounting bills, especially when they need to focus on their injuries.

You may recover damages if you sustained injuries due to someone else's negligence. Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, has a team of experienced car accident lawyers in Tucson who can help you fight for the money you deserve.

Please contact us at 833-552-7274 (833-55-CRASH) for your free consultation to discuss your options after a car accident.

Why Choose Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA

Tucson Car Accident Lawyer

Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, has helped car accident victims obtain fair compensation for many years. Our team members are always ready to meet legal challenges regardless of complexity.

Over the past decade, we've helped clients recover millions of dollars to cover medical expenses and get their lives back on track. 

We work hard to help car accident victims get the money they deserve. Our legal team of Tucson personal injury attorneys have experience with insurance companies and the court system. This allows us to take the frustration of legal action off your shoulders and speed up damage recovery.

How Much is my Case Worth?

The size of your compensation depends on several important factors. Understanding how they work can increase your chances of fair damage recovery. 

The Severity of Injuries Sustained

The more injuries you sustain in a car accident, the more money you can generally recover. The severity of your injuries defines the duration and extent of the treatment. This directly affects the size of your medical bills and other damages.

For example, if you break an arm, you may need surgery and several months of recovery. If the fracture is complex, you could need long-term rehabilitation therapy. While your bones heal, you can't go to work or care for your family. You may need to hire someone to help you around the house.

Accordingly, you can obtain compensation for lost wages and expenses related to your inability to do what you usually do. This increases the final amount of your settlement.

The Quality of Collected Evidence

It's up to the injured party and their attorney to demonstrate to the insurance company or the court that they are entitled to damage recovery. This requires high-quality evidence, including:

  • Medical bills - All medical documents related to your treatment, from confirming your visit to the emergency room to medication prescriptions. Receipts play a significant role.
  • Photos and videos - You can provide photos of the accident scene (your attorney can take them after the accident) and your injuries. You can also obtain camera footage (your lawyer can subpoena it) from the accident site to prove the other driver's negligence.
  • Eyewitness testimony - Witnesses to the car accident can provide valuable information about the crash. Their testimony can prove the other driver's negligence and your right to compensation.
  • Expert witness testimony - Expert witnesses can testify to the extent of your injuries and emotional distress. Their testimony can help the insurance company or the court determine the size of your compensation.

Evidence collection is an integral part of building a successful personal injury case. Many victims are too hurt and disoriented to collect the proper evidence at the accident scene. If you hire an attorney timely, they can return to the scene and gather necessary evidence, including camera footage, photos, and eyewitness testimony.

An experienced attorney can collect relevant evidence, subpoena camera footage, obtain police reports, and more. Throughout the case, they can advise you about the quality of your evidence and its impact on the final amount. 

Your attorney's legal expertise and experience can play a significant role in recovering compensation.

A car accident lawyer can:

  • Collect evidence
  • Evaluate your damages and request a fair amount to cover them
  • Build a strong argument for the insurance company and the judge
  • Communicate with the insurance company
  • Negotiate with the insurance company
  • Present your case to the judge and jury if necessary

You delegate the above tasks to a trained professional by hiring an attorney. When you work with an experienced car accident lawyer, you maximize your chances of fair damage recovery.

You could receive a substantial amount if you build a strong argument and back your case with evidence. At Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, we have significant experience with car accident claims and know exactly what needs to be done to increase the possibility of obtaining high compensation amounts for our clients.

Car Accidents in Tucson, AZ

Attorney Matthew Dolman

Every year, thousands of car crashes take place in Tucson. In Pima County, around 50 percent of all crashes result in injuries. More than one percent of them end in fatalities. These accidents occur on all types of roads, including freeways and country roads.

Out of all collisions in Arizona, around 30 percent occur on highways, while 70 percent happen on city streets and country roads. The number of fatal crashes in Tucson, AZ, is increasing yearly.

The most dangerous intersections in Tucson, AZ, are:

  • Grant Road and Swan Road
  • Golf Links Road and Kolb Road
  • East Broadway Boulevard and South Wilmot Way
  • 22nd Street and Kolb Road

Besides being dangerous for motorists, local roads are problematic for pedestrians. Unfortunately, pedestrians often become victims of negligent driver behavior.

Pedestrians who sustain injuries due to drivers' negligence can be entitled to sizable compensation. Like motorists, they can file a claim or a lawsuit and fight for the money they deserve.

Common Types of Car Accidents

Car accidents range from minor to severe. Even if the accident appears minor, it could lead to serious injuries. While reasons behind car crashes vary, a common cause is the driver's negligence. Drivers ignore the speed limit, talk on the phone while driving, or drive while intoxicated. This leads to a variety of accidents, including:

Rear-End Collisions

When drivers don't keep a distance between their vehicle and other cars, they may not have room to maneuver when the front car suddenly breaks.

While seemingly straightforward, rear-end collisions aren't always the rear driver's fault. If a rear vehicle accident injured you, contact a car accident attorney to explore your compensation options.

Head-on Collisions

Head-on crashes are the most dangerous type of car accident that often end in severe injuries and fatalities. Since both cars are driving toward each other, the force of the impact is extremely high.

The most common causes of such collisions are DUI, distracted driving, speeding, and reckless driving. You may recover compensation if you can prove the other driver's negligent behavior.

T-Bone Accidents

A T-bone car accident occurs when one car crashes head-on into the side of another vehicle. This type of accident (also called an angle collision) results in the highest number of fatalities on the road. These crashes occur when drivers ignore traffic rules, feel fatigued, or drive under the influence.

In this type of accident, either driver may be responsible. It's up to you and your attorney to demonstrate the other driver's negligence and collect compensation.

Single Vehicle Accidents

Single-vehicle accidents are common.

Single-vehicle accidents are common.

  • Obstacles on the way (debris, animals)
  • Negligent behavior of other traffic participants (jaywalking pedestrians, reckless drivers)
  • Weather conditions (slippery roads)

When a single vehicle crashes, it can hit a pole and guardrails or roll over. Injuries in such crashes can range from minor to severe. Responsible parties in such accidents can be government entities that fail to ensure proper road conditions or reckless drivers and negligent pedestrians.

Multiple Vehicle Collisions

A multiple-vehicle collision is a crash that involves three or more vehicles. This crash usually stems from a single event on the road. Sometimes, these collisions result in serious injuries to dozens of participants.

Determining the responsible party in these accidents can be complicated. If you've been in a collision, you may need a car accident attorney to prove the other party's negligence.

Tucson Car Accident Lawyer

Injuries Sustained in Car Accidents

The extent of the injuries you can sustain in a car crash doesn't always depend on the accident's severity. A minor accident could cause severe whiplash, requiring many months of treatment. Meanwhile, a major accident could end in a few scratches.

The common injuries sustained in car accidents include:

  • Whiplash
  • Concussions
  • Spine and neck injuries
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Burns
  • Internal bleeding
  • PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
  • Bone fractures
  • Soft tissue injuries

In some cases, drivers don't feel hurt immediately after the accident and avoid getting professional medical assistance. They make a serious mistake when they don’t see a doctor.

Besides losing an opportunity to start timely treatment, failure to seek help right after the accident could hurt the integrity of your personal injury claim.

Negotiating with an Insurance Company

Matthew Dolman, Personal Injury Lawyer

Car accident victims usually file a claim with the at-fault party's insurance company. To receive fair compensation, your attorney must make a strong case, provide evidence, and convince the insurance adjuster that you are eligible for damage recovery.

While your main goal is to get fair compensation, the adjuster's goal is to minimize it. That's why personal injury claims often lead to long-term negotiations with the insurance company. These negotiations consume time and can frustrate you.

If you are still recovering from your injuries and feeling the emotional and financial impact of the treatment, you could be an easy target for the insurance company. They know exactly which buttons to push to talk you into accepting a low settlement.

With legal assistance, negotiating for fair compensation is easier. Consider delegating this task to a car accident attorney. At Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, our negotiating team knows how to conduct these negotiations to help you get the money you deserve.

What to Do After a Car Accident?

To obtain compensation after a car accident, you must:

  • Investigate the accident
  • Prove the at-fault party's negligence
  • Collect evidence (medical bills, police report, photos and videos of injuries and accident site)
  • Negotiate with the insurance company
  • If necessary, present your case to the court.

You need legal assistance to do all this. Complex legal action doesn't allow victims to focus on their health. This, in turn, reduces their quality of life and results in mounting medical bills.

According to the Arizona Statute of Limitations, you only have two years after the car accident to file a lawsuit. Delaying legal action could cause you to lose the opportunity to recover damages.  

By contacting a Tucson car accident attorney at Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, as soon after the crash as possible, you delegate legal action to the professionals and gain valuable time to heal.

Contact Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, Today

You may be entitled to compensation if you were hurt in a car accident. At Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, we have a large team of qualified car accident attorneys helping people get the money they deserve.

Working with an experienced attorney can maximize your chances of getting fair compensation. Call us at 833-552-7274 (833-55-CRASH) for your free consultation.

The Dolman Law Group Accident Injury Lawyers, PA, works with local counsel in any jurisdiction outside Florida for the purpose of filing lawsuits in jurisdictions wherein we are not licensed. Thus, we will follow Arizona’s ethical rules to ensure a local attorney is involved.


Matthew Dolman

Personal Injury Lawyer

This article was written and reviewed by Matthew Dolman. Matt has been a practicing civil trial, personal injury, products liability, and mass tort lawyer since 2004. He has successfully fought for more than 11,000 injured clients and acted as lead counsel in more than 1,000 lawsuits. Always on the cutting edge of personal injury law, Matt is actively engaged in complex legal matters, including Suboxone, AFFF, and Ozempic lawsuits.  Matt is a lifetime member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum and Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum for resolving individual cases in excess of $1 million and $2 million, respectively. He has also been selected by his colleagues as a Florida Superlawyer and as a member of Florida’s Legal Elite on multiple occasions. Further, Matt has been quoted in the media numerous times and is a sought-after speaker on a variety of legal issues and topics.

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