El abogado Matthew Dolman escucha al cliente.

Adams County Juvenile Detention Sex Abuse Lawyer


Sexual abuse of youth in juvenile detention facilities is a devastating problem that leaves vulnerable children traumatized and scarred. These young people, already facing difficulties in their lives, are subjected to horrific mistreatment by the very individuals entrusted with their care and rehabilitation.

Victims can hold abusers fully accountable for their actions and secure justice. An experienced Adams County juvenile detention sex abuse lawyer can advocate for the rights of those abused and help them pursue the compensation they deserve.

If you or your child experienced sexual abuse at an Adams County juvenile detention facility, the Dolman Law Group is here to help.

Contact us for a free consultation with an experienced Adams County sex abuse attorney and begin the process of obtaining compensation and justice for all you’ve endured.

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Juvenile Detention Sex Abuse in Adams County, IL

Attorney Mateo Dolman

The sexual abuse that occurs behind the walls of juvenile detention centers takes many forms.

 It can involve:

Perpetrators may be staff members exploiting their authority, other detainees in the facility, or even outside individuals with access to the center.

Certain factors put incarcerated youth at heightened risk of being victimized. Many have suffered prior abuse and neglect, have mental health issues, or lack supportive family members advocating for their wellbeing.

The closed nature of detention centers and the power differential between youth and staff also contribute to their vulnerability.

The impact of sexual abuse on detained juveniles can be severe and long-lasting.

Victims may experience:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • PTSD
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Substance abuse
  • Difficulty forming healthy relationships

The abuse also causes physical injuries and medical problems. Sadly, the very institution meant to get troubled youth back on the right path ends up inflicting trauma that derails their lives.

Under federal and Illinois state law, youth in detention centers have the right to be free from sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and any sexual activity with staff. Facilities must have a zero-tolerance policy for any sexual misconduct.

If an incident occurs, the victim can immediately report it through the facility’s grievance system or to an outside agency. Detention centers are required to promptly investigate all allegations in a thorough and unbiased manner.

Victims should be provided access to emergency medical treatment, a forensic medical exam, prophylaxis for STDs, and emergency contraception.

Following the abuse, the juvenile deserves ongoing medical and mental health care to cope with the psychological and physical effects. Counseling, support groups, and other trauma-informed treatment should be made available.

Importantly, victims also have the right to pursue civil legal action against their abuser as well as against the detention center if they fail to take reasonable steps to prevent the abuse. A civil lawsuit can provide compensation for the physical, emotional, and psychological harm the victim has suffered.

A civil case can still hold the perpetrator accountable even if prosecutors don’t file criminal charges. An experienced attorney can help the victim assert all their legal rights.

The Illinois statute of limitations allows you 20 years from the date of your child’s 18th birthday to file a sexual abuse lawsuit against the abuser. Some exceptions may apply to filing a claim against an Adams County juvenile detention center, so you need to speak with an Adams County sex abuse lawyer right away to protect your rights to pursue compensation.

How an Adams County Juvenile Detention Sex Abuse Attorney Can Help

Dolman Law Group - Sex Abuse Attorneys

Seeking justice for sexual abuse in detention is a daunting prospect for a juvenile victim. That is why it is so crucial to have a dedicated Illinois juvenile detention center sexual abuse lawyer fighting in your corner. An attorney can handle all the legal aspects of the case, allowing the victim to focus on healing and recovery.

The lawyer will start by conducting a thorough investigation into the abuse allegations.

This involves:

  • Interviewing the victim and any witnesses
  • Reviewing facility records and prior complaints
  • Gathering medical evidence

If the investigation uncovers wrongdoing, the next step is filing a civil lawsuit against the perpetrator and, in many cases, against the detention center for negligence. The attorney will craft a strong case demonstrating the full extent of the physical and psychological injuries inflicted on the victim and the proper amount of compensation to make them whole.

Your attorney will passionately advocate for your rights and interests throughout the process. If the facility has not provided proper medical care and mental health treatment, your lawyer will fight to secure access to these vital services.

As the case progresses, you can count on your lawyer to work to hold all wrongdoers accountable, whether through a jury verdict at trial or a fair settlement. A compassionate juvenile detention abuse attorney understands the trauma you’ve been through and will handle the case with sensitivity while aggressively pursuing the compensation you deserve.

Choosing the Right Lawyer 

When selecting legal counsel, it is important to find an attorney with specific experience handling sex abuse cases involving detained youth.

Dolman Law Group

These cases involve unique dynamics and require specialized knowledge of the juvenile justice system. Look for a lawyer who has successfully taken on detention centers and secured sizable settlements and verdicts for past clients.

The ideal attorney will treat the victim with dignity, compassion, and respect. Coming forward about sexual abuse is never easy, but the right lawyer can make the process as comfortable as possible.

They should respond to your needs, take time to thoroughly answer all your questions, and give honest advice about what to expect. A lawyer should be caring and understanding in their personal interactions while maintaining an aggressive approach to advocacy in the legal proceedings.

Other key qualities to look for include strong trial skills, great communication and organizational capabilities, and a deep commitment to fighting for justice for abused children.

Do not hesitate to ask potential attorneys about their relevant experience, track record of success, and approach to working with juvenile abuse survivors. An in-person consultation can determine if a particular lawyer is the right fit.

Attorney Matthew Dolman

Seeking accountability for sexual abuse in juvenile detention is a courageous act. Facilities entrusted with the care of youth must be held to account when they allow horrific violations to occur.

Survivors often face an uphill battle, but they do not have to go it alone. An experienced Adams County juvenile detention sex abuse lawyer can provide critical guidance and advocacy through the legal process.

If you or someone you love has suffered sexual abuse at an Adams County juvenile detention center, contact the experienced Adams County detention center sexual abuse attorneys at the Dolman Law Group right away for a free and confidential consultation. Together we can work to hold abusers accountable and secure a path to justice and healing.


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