What You Can Do to Pay Your Bills While Your Case is Pending

April 20, 2022
What You Can Do to Pay Your Bills While Your Case is Pending

Having medical bills pile up after an injury can be overwhelming. In addition to the physical pain, you may also feel frustrated and confused about what you can do to pay your bills while your case is pending.

If you were injured at work or in an auto accident, you need to understand what you can do to pay your bills while you wait to receive compensation. The good news is that there are certainly options to get your bills paid, and a lawyer can help you through the process.

It's imperative that you know what the claims process entails and what can help your case.

  1. File a claim with the appropriate insurer.
  2. Hire a lawyer; their representation can make a difference in your case.
  3. Your attorney can engage in settlement negotiations if necessary.
  4. If the insurer refuses to offer a reasonable settlement, your lawyer can take the case to court. A lawsuit could take a few weeks to a few months to resolve; it depends on the details of your case.

During this time, you should not attempt to file any additional claims. Instead, focus on paying your bills as quickly as possible so you won't miss any payments. Once your claim is accepted, the insurance carrier will send you a letter detailing all the benefits you are entitled to receive. They will also provide you with how much money you can expect to receive each month. 

If you are receiving disability income, you could receive a monthly check for a percentage of your earnings. However, the amount of these checks will vary based on the severity of your injuries. In some cases, you may receive a lump sum payment to cover all your medical expenses. 

How to Manage Your Money While Waiting for Compensation

It is essential to keep track of your bills and make sure that you continue to pay them on time. If you're unable to pay your bills, you could lose access to the services you need. For example, if you cannot pay your rent, you could end up being evicted from your apartment.

  • You may be able to collect money through third-party liability policies. These types of policies are usually only available when you are working full-time.
  • Your employer may have a self-insured policy that pays out directly to your doctor and hospital.
  • You could be eligible for federal programs like Medicare and Medicaid.

There are other options for paying your bills while waiting for your claim to be settled.

  1. Apply for public assistance. Public assistance programs include food stamps, housing subsidies, and unemployment benefits.
  2. Ask family members or friends for financial support.
  3. Apply for loans from local banks. Banks typically require a co-signer who has sufficient assets to guarantee repayment.

However, before taking any of these steps, you should consult with a lawyer to determine what options are best suited to help you manage your finances during this difficult time.

How Your Injury Attorney Can Help You

A lawyer understands how difficult life is right now. You likely suffered injuries in a preventable accident and not only have that to deal with but also being out of work with mounting medical bills and other expenses that must be paid off. Your focus should only be on yourself right now.

We take care of your case, so you only have to worry about getting better.

This means we help with the following:

  • Offer a case review at no cost or obligation
  • Negotiate with the insurance adjuster for a fair settlement offer
  • Litigate your case if necessary
  • Manage all the paperwork involved in your claim/lawsuit
  • Answer your questions and keep you updated throughout your case
  • Collect evidence and interview witnesses or experts
  • Review police and medical reports
  • Use a contingency fee payment plan, so you don't pay anything unless you win

Find Relief from Financial Stress After an Injury

Dealing with looming bills after an injury or accident can be stressful. However, there are many ways to ensure you are not left without resources. If you have been injured due to someone else's negligence, contact Dolman Law Group today for a free consultation.