What Is the Similac Baby Formula Settlement Value?

March 22, 2022
What Is the Similac Baby Formula Settlement Value?

Recent research has linked Similac baby formula to a debilitating condition known as necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) in babies born prematurely. If your child has developed health concerns as a result of baby formula, you could file a lawsuit for damages. Currently, there is no set baby formula settlement value, as the Similac NEC lawsuits are still in the early stages.

However, our attorneys have the knowledge and resources to help you estimate potential settlement values based on your family's unique damages. We want to help you hold the liable parties accountable for the effects their actions had on your newborn. 

What You Could Recover in a Similac Baby Formula Lawsuit?

The amount of compensation you may be eligible to recover following an NEC lawsuit depends on the specific injuries and losses your family experienced. In general, it is possible to recover both economic and non-economic damages. 

Economic damages refer to the tangible financial losses you incurred due to your baby's condition. For example, economic damages include but are not limited to:

  • Hospitalization while your infant receives treatment
  • Additional doctor's visits to monitor your baby's condition
  • Surgery and other treatments for NEC
  • Loss of wages if the baby's illness prevented or will prevent you from working

Meanwhile, non-economic damages refer to the more subjective damages, such as pain and suffering and emotional distress.

Necrotizing Enterocolitis Explained

NEC is a dangerous disease that affects premature babies. It is characterized by inflammation of the intestines that can cause the cells to die. Dead cells in the intestinal wall can lead to holes where bacteria can leak through and cause severe stomach infections.

Such a leak requires immediate medical attention, often including surgery. As a result, it has a high mortality rate. According to a study from Acta Paediatrica, the mortality rate for infants that underwent surgery for NEC can reach up to 57 percent.

Symptoms of NEC

While symptoms of NEC can vary from baby to baby, some of the general symptoms include:

  • Lethargy
  • Vomiting green or yellow
  • Bloody diarrhea
  • Abdominal distention (swelling)

If you notice these symptoms in your child, contact your physician right away.

Do I Have a Similac Lawsuit?

If you are wondering if you have a case against the Similac manufacturers, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Was my baby born prematurely?
  • Did the medical professionals recommend Similac formula to my infant?
  • Did my baby develop NEC?
  • Were there warnings against the use of Similac formula?

If you contact our law firm for help, we will review these questions to determine your legal options. While we understand there is nothing that can truly compensate you for your child developing NEC, you can seek financial recovery to help you cover the expenses incurred and hold the manufacturers and other liable parties accountable. 

The Deadline to File a Similac Lawsuit

Every state in the country has a set timeline within which you must file a personal injury lawsuit. This deadline is called the statute of limitations. 

Failure to initiate a lawsuit within this timeline may forever bar you from financial recovery from the Similac formula manufacturer and other liable parties. If you believe that your child suffered harm after being fed Similac formula, it's critical to begin taking legal steps right away.

Our lawyers are committed to helping you pursue justice. We believe a product intended to provide a benefit should not pose harm. For that reason, our legal experts are determined to take on even the largest corporations and hold them accountable for the harm they inflict on consumers.

When you hire our team for your Similac baby formula case, we will help you to:

  • Investigate the case to establish a connection between baby formula and your child's NEC
  • Assign a value to your claim based on the losses you and your family suffered
  • Gather evidence to support your claim against the liable parties
  • Represent you in negotiations to fight for fair compensation on your behalf

You Won't Incur Any Cost To File a Baby Formula Lawsuit

Our firm will not charge you any upfront fees to handle your Similac lawsuit. We work on a contingency-fee basis, so you owe nothing until our lawyers have secured fair compensation. If we win a settlement or court award for you, we take a predetermined percentage as our attorney's fee.

Contact Dolman Law Group Today

Premature babies need extra nutrition to address the many medical conditions they may be susceptible to and promote their growth. Physicians have often recommended formula as an alternative to breastfeeding, but studies suggest this may not be the safest option. 

If your baby suffered NEC after consuming Similar or another baby formula, our lawyers can help you seek justice. You could recover compensation by filing an NEC baby formula lawsuit. Contact us today for a free consultation and learn how we can help you file a case: (727) 451-6900.