Car Accident Caused A Subdural Hematoma Along With A Rotator Cuff Shoulder Injury
Practice Area: Motorcycle Accident
Date: October 4, 2016
Outcome: $750,000.00
Description: The at-fault party’s insurance carrier tendered their insured’s bodily injury (BI) policy limits of $250,000.00 and my client’s insurance carrier tendered his $500,000.00 in underinsured motorist (UIM) limits of $500,000.00. My client suffered a very serious shoulder injury from their car accident known as a SLAP tear. He flew off the motorcycle directly impacting his head resulting in a closed head injury. He was diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury by his neurologist and was evaluated by a neuropsychologist who gave the opinion that he sustained loss to his executive functions. Further, his quality of life was diminished as he exhibited irritability, memory loss, and issues with concentration.